What's going to happen if Biden drops out of the race?

in #politics4 months ago

I am not a historian but I looked it up and found out that very few US Presidents have ever decided to not run for a 2nd term. Just in case you want to know these Presidents were James K. Polk, James Buchanan, Rutherford B. Hayes, Calvin Coolidge, and Harry S. Truman. That was significantly more than I expected but honestly folks, another person should swallow his pride and do the same thing and that person is Joe Biden.


I'm not a fan of either major party and would love it if the American people would embrace additional parties for elections and think the country would be much better off if we had more than 2 political "gangs" in the USA. However, I think just about everyone can see that Biden is just horrible for the Democrats in this upcoming election. I live in a rather conservative part of the USA, was raised conservative, and am conservative. I am NOT a Republican though. I actually am a registered Democrat because in North Carolina you can vote in any primary you want regardless of your registration, but you can only vote in one of them. I did this to throw off the numbers, even just by 1 person, as far as the data collection is concerned. I also joined a bunch of Democrat mailing lists just so I can waste as much of their time and resources as possible. When they call me, I keep them on the phone for a long time for the same reason.

This is a bit devious on my part I'll admit and I should probably cut it out but maybe I'll dive into some of the fun I have had with that at some point in the future. Politics in the USA disgust me for the most part and I've said it many times before that I don't think it really matters who the president is, nothing is going to change. The system is far too entrenched and corrupt for any one person to "clean the swamp." The presidents jump back and forth from D to R, R to D and nothing ever changes in any meaningful capacity at least not in my lifetime.

I wonder what it was like back when the USA wasn't spending twice what it takes in as far as taxes are concerned? Nobody seems to be really all that concerned about that anymore and they really should be. Perhaps other countries not wanting to have anything to do with the dollar might set that plan in motion, I have no idea.

Getting back to the main point though, Biden definitely needs to step out and let someone else run and no, not you Kamala, you will lose worse than Biden would.

I say this not because I want a Democrat to win the presidency, I definitely don't want that, but because Biden's occupation of the White House is beyond embarrassing and even though I only keep in touch with a few liberal friends from college, they will all admit to the fact that they have zero faith in the dude yet most of them would still vote for him in an effort to keep Trump out of office. I think that if people were being honest that you would have a very difficult time finding anyone that actually thinks Biden is good at his job, or good for the country. Sure the polls will tell you that something like 38% approve of how he is performing, but are they just saying this because of their hatred for Trump?

Who can honestly look at what has happened under Biden and the babbling mess that he is any time he talks and genuinely say "yeah, that guy is good at this!" Try to think of this in a way that doesn't include Trump in the picture at all and seriously think about it: Can anyone say that this guy is doing a good job or is even aware of what he is doing?


he has the near complete protection of the media, all major websites for socials, a team of people that write all of his speeches and Tweets, and even the Easter Bunny preventing him from talking to a reporter. Yet even with all of these things in place he regularly looks like a damn fool any time he talks. I can only imagine what other world leaders feel like after a meeting with him.

That being said there is always a chance that the Trump hatred that exists in our country could actually result in this guy getting a 2nd term. It seems unlikely right now since all the polls indicate otherwise and point to a near certain Trump victory, but it still could happen because polls are frequently wrong or rigged, or both.

While I do not want Democrats to win they would seriously increase their chances of victory if they were to have just really anyone else running other than Biden. The debates, should they happen, are going to be perhaps that most highly rated TV viewership of all time and for all the wrong reasons. People are going to tune in to see who is going to make a bigger ass of themselves: Trump or Biden. My money would be on Biden because even though he was a mess in 2020, I think he is much worse off now than he was then.

There is probably a lot of talk with the DNC about Biden dropping out but I don't even know what the protocols are after the primaries have already been done. Do we end up with whoever placed 2nd? Is there even anyone of note running? RFK Jr. dropped out of the race as a Democrat and is running as an independent and you only need to look at his own wikipedia to know that the powers that be already hate that guy.

It's going to be an interesting and probably violence filled year folks, strap in!

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