We're gonna have to open the economy back up, even if people die

in #politics4 years ago

I hate that this has become a political talking point but it seems to be impossible for things to not end up that way eventually.

I am in the camp of that we need to reopen the economies of the world even at the expense of deaths by corona. The Governor of New York recently stated that "If the measures we are taking save even one life, than it is all worth it." This is ridiculous thinking.


The top left should remain in place and massive gatherings such as sporting events are a grey area, it could be irresponsible to allow that but as far as small businesses and restaurants are concerned the forced closure is actually destroying the life's work of a lot of people. I used to own a restaurant and realize that the profit margins are so small that just a few days of non operation are devastating to the bottom line. If you are talking months, forget it, they are all done.

This would be especially true in large markets such as urban areas where rent is likely through the roof.

This is not to suggest that everyone should just return to life as if the virus doesn't exist, they should still exercise extreme caution, wear masks and use hand sanitizer A LOT. But I think we are looking at this the wrong way if we are only considering the loss of life.

Someone used the example of when we raise the speed limit on roads we do so being fully aware of the fact that we are going to have more deaths as a consequence, but we do so anyway because it is for the greater good of the population and while it may sound a bit heartless because some people will die as a consequence, I think we should apply the same line of thinking towards this lockdown.

https___s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com_psh-ex-ftnikkei-3937bb4_images_1_7_7_4_25814771-3-eng-GB_Cropped-1585216415R20200326 Gurugram shopping mall.jpg

There has to be a middle ground and the people who say that the government should just give out more money to people whose businesses suffer.... you have a profound misunderstanding of where that money actually comes from: It's coming from you - there is no such thing as "free money" and the government doesn't have a magic money wand to continue doing this.

This can not continue, the toll on the other end, as strange as it may sound, is more disastrous than a few thousand people dying - especially when you dig in to the numbers and discover that a vast majority of the deaths are people that were already at risk and likely would have died from being exposed to any number of other sicknesses that we don't even think about on a daily basis.


I think this is going to have huge ramifications long term. The problem is people are generally quite stupid so this could take longer to fix than it should. Financially most businesses will be ruined if this continues and who knows what the answer is. I see the numbers being rather high and don't think we are only talking a few thousand in each country that will die. If everyone was sensible then yes life could just carry on and get back to normal.

take a look at the article that I just resteemed on this subject, that was extremely well-written and researched. It was a real eye opener for sure.

I get that but think it is actually going to back fire on the Chinese big time. The eggs in the one basket comes into play and can see many countries now going to start manufacturing what they would normally have imported. This is going to happen and have already seen two programs on that very thing which I think is fantastic.

as a redneck that would love to see USA be a bit less dependent on other countries I like the sound of this. I just don't know if the market will tolerate it because people are so accustomed to getting their goods for really cheap. Imagine if the price of cell phones doubled.... people would quickly forget that we should be shutting out China in that instance...

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