Trump's bail/bond set for $200,000 ... lol

in #politicslast year

In the circus show that is the court cases in Fulton County, Georgia, Trump has been "arrested" and released on bond of $200,000. I find this entire sequence of events that I know are a formality to be completely ridiculous. For one thing, do you really think that he is going to NOT COME BACK for the trial? And a second thing is that while $200,000 is a lot of money to most of you out there, this is such a paltry sum of money to DJT that it would be like if you were walking somewhere and dropped a penny. It isn't even worth your attention.

So why did they bother with the bond at all? I'm sure there is some sort of "legal" reason why they have to do it but the guy in me that thinks the justice department in our country is completely broken believes that it was carefully planned out in order to attempt to humiliate the President.


There are probably people out there that know a great deal more about this case than I do and they are probably very inclined to be especially affiliated with either being someone severely afflicted with TDS or someone that is part of the Trump cult. I am neither one of these things. I am a libertarian and with one single exception since I have been a legal voter, I have voted 3rd party in Presidential elections.

I think the objective of all of these conveniently timed lawsuits is to frustrate Trump voters or perhaps turn them towards other candidates. If this was the idea, it is failing badly. The people that I know that are Trumpers have been made even more so by these and other charges, and the effect it is having on independents like myself are increasingly convincing me to vote for the guy as well.

Our country is F**ked right now and the way in which we see a political enemy of the current regime being endlessly attacked from all sides is something that should concern you because try as they may to pretend as though these charges would be happening anyway even if Trump wasn't going to run again in 2024, I don't think anyone actually believes that. I've had my suspicions that the various branches of the US government were corrupt but when we see this happening, it makes me fear that the problem is much worse than my originally conspiratorial thoughts once were. We have a guy that the current administration absolutely hates and they are going after him relentlessly with cases that aren't going to result in anything meaningful happening. It is all a distraction and a stupid one at that.

If we think about the changing of the guard in the past from one President to the next it is almost always from an R to a D to a R to a D. It's been that way in all my lifetime anyway. No let's imagine that this sort of "revenge" ends up being the norm because of the actions that are taking place right now. Sure the people that hate Trump are probably celebrating making the man's life as tough as possible, but how are they going to feel when it all gets turned around and the opposite is happening. I'm sure they won't be celebrating so much when that happens. I'd like to think that once the Republicans take back control of the White House that they will decide to not do that seeing as how all this talk about weaponizing the justice system against your political enemies cannot be fixed by further weaponizing it.

Another theory is that this is exactly what will need to happen for the liberals out there to believe that the justice department, or even the laws of this country, are not what they are purported to be and are completely broken. Perhaps that is what it will take for change to actually happen. I don't think anyone wins in that scenario, so I really hope that is not what they do. Instead I would like to see everyone at most federal government agencies fired so we can have a great reset. Oh who am I kidding, it would just end up this way again in a couple of years.

The news cycle is dominated with news of this "arrest" and very small bond that was imposed on Trump. Charging a multi-billionaire with 200k bond is hilarious. He's probably hosted lunches that cost twice that much.

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