The View cast attacks Kristi Noem for killing her farm dog years ago

in #politics6 months ago

I only found out about this because of a news aggregate that sends me things that their system determined is something I might be interested in. I do not watch "The View" and if I was forced to I think I would quickly lose my damn mind. I don't see how anyone can sit and watch these ladies cackling and arguing with one another and of course, they are a mouthpiece for the left on almost every issue.


I don't know who this show is for but there must be enough people interested in it because it has been around for a long time and is still going strong, apparently. I do get updates every now and then about what the women said and how crazy it is, mostly from Whoopi Goldberg who loses her cool on a regular basis.

The topic of Kristi Noem (the governor of South Dakota) came up because of various lie-reasons that they said on the show but the real reason is because she was a potential VP candidate for Donald Trump. That is the real reason despite what they might actually say. I think this is part of the reason why it is that Trump hasn't yet announced who his VP pick is because the media wheels would start turning on digging up any dirt they possibly can on whoever that person is.

I don't know a lot about Kristi Noem but I appreciated the way that she handled Covid by basically sayin that the state would no longer comply with Federal mandates regarding masks, social distancing, school closures, etc. Liberal outlets attacked her for this and attempted to make the state's deaths look as bad as possible even though that state, just like my county in North Carolina that decided unilaterally to no longer adhere to Covid restrictions imposed by both the feds and the governor, experienced no growth or spike in death or even hospitalization. I am sure that really pissed off the liberal talking heads because as sad as it sounds, I think that a lot of them are so committed to their cause that they actually WANTED people to die so that their side could be right.

Did they ever apologize of being wrong about this and vilifying all the people that disagreed with them? Of course not. Instead they avoid talking about how they were wrong about all of that shit.

Getting back to Noem. The View is going after her to tarnish her name even before she gets named as a VP because they are playing dirty politics. I am sure the right is doing this as well but honestly, it is no longer necessary to talk trash about Biden because any time that guy does literally anything, it is an embarrassment.

The reason that they have for why Noem shouldn't be in politics let alone the VP of the nation is because in a book that she wrote a while ago she details how she had to put down a 14 month old dog on her farm and she also details how it was necessary to do the same to a goat that had become aggressive.

The cast of "The View" went ballistic on this and Whoopi said on air "Give it back bitch! give it back!" in reference to how Noem should have taken the dog to a shelter rather than shooting it. The reason why Noem had to kill the dog was because it has become aggressive towards other animals and even children on the farm. Whoopi, who has probably never been to a farm and rarely even goes to a zoo, has no frame of reference for what farm life is like.

Farmers are not heartless assholes, they care more about their livestock than people can imagine. I know farmers and relatives of mine in the past have had rather large dairy farms. There are a lot of animals involved in this and one of them is dogs. The dog's purpose can vary, but they aren't there like "Fido" laying in the sun in your living room after his 12th bath of the month, these are work animals just like all other animals on a farm. They treat them sort of like pets, but not in the way that someone line Whoopi, who has always lived in a condo in a city would imagine. On a farm, if an animal becomes a threat to other livestock and especially if it becomes a threat to humans, the only choice might be to put it down with a bullet on the spot.

Noem went on to explain that the dog was on a bit of a warpath, approaching chicken after chicken, crushing them with it's jaw, then moving on to another one and doing the same over and over again. On a farm, this isn't like it would be at Whoopi's NYC penthouse where you just close the door and call animals control... in South Dakota, if there even is a dog shelter it is likely very far away and for all we know these could be "kill shelters" anyway where if the dog has a bad temperament, it is very likely to be euthanized anyway.

I'm certainly not advocating the killing of animals. I have 3 dogs and I love them to death. I would be devastated if something were to happen to them and if one were to turn on me I would do my best to fix it rather than put it down. However, I am not a farmer and I don't have to look out for the welfare of hundreds of animals. Whoopi is out of her element on this and so are all the other members on that show that joined in for attacking the SD governor.


Kristi defended herself stating that the things she did were not illegal and that people who don't know what life on farms is like don't really understand how it works... Something like that. The View cast went on full attack though and sadly, this doesn't really have anything to do with the dog, it has everything about eliminating a potential Donald Trump running mate.

For Noem, she probably doesn't like that this information got out but to be fair she did put it in her own book. This will almost certainly eliminate her from the national picture as far as any politics are concerned. I think that Noem would have been a poor choice for a VP pick anyway because I would bet my garden (don't have a farm) that Trump needs to pick someone with a different complexion in order to keep the racism brigade at bay. They'll still call him racist and will accuse him of choosing a black running mate just because he is black despite the fact that this is exactly why Biden chose Kamala and any attempt to state otherwise is a flat out lie.

If and when Trump is elected in 2024 I may actually tune in to see an episode or two of "The View" just to see how their collective heads explode when the guy that they hate the most is the Commander in Chief. It should be hilarious.

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