The "I got vaccinated" crap on social media

in #politics3 years ago

I do not look at FB a great deal but since some of the people I know refuse to communicate by any other means it remains an essential part of my ability to keep up with some friends and family. I wish they would move to other platforms (such as this one) but any security demands that are more than a user/ pass where they can use the same password that they use for everything else in their lives is something they simply won't do. That is a shame because I think social media in a general sense is slowly making us all dumber and more depressed but whatever man! Live your own life!

When I logged in to find a picture that my aunt posted of my cousins I scrolled around a little bit and noticed a whole lotta this


I couldn't help but facepalm a little bit when I saw this over and over again (btw, I do not know the person above) and it got me thinking... "do we really have to have recognition for every little thing that we do in a social media sense?"

I am not one of those people that needs constant verification from the online community about what it is that I do in my life. It kind of reminds me of all of those stupid "I voted!" stickers that people were posting last year and I was always like "well f**king good for you! Do you want a cookie for that?"

Holy crap they moved Alaska!

I am a big believer in letting people do what they want and how I personally feel about the vaccine (I'm apprehensive but honestly don't really give AF) is not what is important here. I honestly think there are people out there with quite serious social media madness. They literally can't do anything in their lives without the need to get recognition for it. These are the same people that will take selfies when they are stuck in traffic, will make rants about something they saw in the grocery store, and of course before the world went batshit crazy over Covid they were the people that took pictures of all of their meals.... They should have made a sticker for that... it could have said "I ate today!"

Hooray for you!

I did not spend a great deal of time perusing FB because of all the things you can waste time on in the online world I feel as though FB is the biggest waste but I did notice one particular theme with all the people I know that were posting this: They were ALL liberals.

The vaccine has become a politically polarizing thing now too. I never paid too much attention to it because I'm more of a "live and let live" type person but literally every single person I know that was posting this are the same people that would parrot anti-Trump / Republican / conservative whatever the flavor of the week happened to be.

Unlike some other people I know in the redneck community, I actually DO have friends with differing points of view and I don't try to eliminate them from my lives because echo chambers are dangerous. Of course I met all of these people in college and they don't live in my area now... the area I live in now is coincidentally nearly 100% conservative and maybe I accidentally created my own real life echo chamber by moving here...

I do not care whether a person gets the jab or not. I have no intention of doing so but if it ends up being mandated by the government I will not be joining a Waco complex of resistance. I tend to look at it from the standpoint of "If it kills me, at least I don't have to pay taxes anymore."

But what say you? Are you experiencing the same thing in your neck of the woods? Are the liberals that you know shouting their vaccine accomplishments from the mountaintops as well?


I only befriend people I know physically. My relatives have bragged about the shot, but they don't scream it everyday

Your strategy of befriending people you only know physically is a good one. When I was purging my "friends" on other social media sites I was alarmed at how I had no idea who 80% of them were.

My first ex-wife posted a pic of her vaccination card on FB. Sigh.

I have a thing I do these days and I log into FB just to see how long it takes for me to see someone showcasing their vaccination credentials. I don't have to scroll for very long.

Some people just need recognition for every little thing that they do. It's all over IG as well. Thankfully it is being made fun of on 9gag

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