Survey says 2/3 of Americans believe a full recount should be done in key states

in #politics4 years ago

This is a survey of only 1,000 people and it was conducted by a survey group that was paid by a conservative news outlet to conduct the survey so it shouldn't be surprising that they came to that result. I just wonder who the the other 1/3 of people are because why wouldn't someone, anyone be entitled to a recount when there are so many shady things going on?

I can only presume the other 1/3 of people are those who are so infested with TDS that they want victory by any means possible, even if that means is cheating.


The poll revealed other details about people's opinion that we didn't necessarily want to know such as the obvious conclusions such as 90% of the Republicans surveyed feel as though the recounts should be done but what was surprising is that more than 30% of the Democrats believed that the recounts are necessary in order to preserve the integrity of our election process. I gotta say kudos to these people because yes, the integrity of the US election process is far more important than who it is that ends up being President.


Something else strange came out of the survey. Of those who believe there was widespread voter fraud and cheating, 6% of them think that Republicans are behind it all. I never really thought about it from this angle but that interesting perspective. I am certain that the Republican establishment probably has people in it that don't want Trump around either. Why to people want a particular person in office anyway? I suppose their could be some reasoning behind it being from his own party.

I believe that if there is a lot of fraud that it probably goes beyond the depth of the individuals in the parties and it is more likely some sort of deep state operation and Trump is threatening that in some way.

Two more things about the survey:

  • 90% of those surveyed believe that for every vote (regardless of who it was cast for) should should be verified that it was cast by and actual living and legal citizen of the USA.
  • nearly 90% believe that all mail in voting should go through a signature verification process and all those that do not match need to be investigated and the person who was meant to have cast the ballot needs to be found and must confirm their vote

Those last two things seem very reasonable to me and I can't really imagine the type of person that would disagree with that. That fringe 10% are the TDS people I was mentioning before. The people who hate Trump so much that they would prefer to destroy the entire electoral process in order to have him out.

Whatever ends up happening, I hope it can happen quickly. From what I do end up seeing on news programs or online I see a lot of talk about Krakens and big discoveries only to be provided with speculation and opinion rather than any sort of real information. If the team of lawyers are waiting for just the right time to drop this news on us, I wish they would go ahead and do it.

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