New "Bros" rom com does poorly, star immediately blames straight men

in #politics2 years ago

The new romantic comedy is called "Bros" and I probably wouldn't have even known that it was released if it wasn't for the ridiculous reaction on the part of one of the stars of the film trying to immediately blame the failure of the movie on a particular group of people rather than just accepting the fact that most films don't do well these days.

This vilification of a particular group is something that we have seen a lot in entertainment in the past couple of years but mostly it has been some sort of "racism" that it is blamed on. People are sick and tired of this sort of scapegoating, and speaking out as if the only reason why people wouldn't go see the film is because of the perception that they are homophobic is just PC crazy-talk.


Billy Eichner is the star and co-writer of this new film and after what the media claims was a "huge" marketing program, the $20 million production (I think it was actually more than that) had a rather disasterous opening weekend finishing 4th behind other films that had either been out for weeks or in one case, a film that has been out for a decade in "Avatar."

There are a lot of reasons why a film can do poorly in theaters or even in streaming, but it seems to me that there is a new trend in the entertainment industry to blame poor performance on something that can't be quantified such as racism, sexism, or in this case homophobia. This accusation is probably the most stupid to date because unless there was a survey about one's sexual orientation as a condition to going to see the movie, there is no way that anyone could possibly know the makeup of the people who went to go see it.


I don't know a great deal about Billy Eichner but his name is really out there now and if he did this solely for self-promotion then I can admire it because as they say "there's not such thing as bad publicity." However, if he genuinely feels that the only way a gay romantic comedy could possibly do poorly is because people are afraid of gays, then he is truly out of touch and these statements on his part are not going to help the film do better.

Here's the thing from my perspective. I think that people are kind of fed up with being "force-fed" certain ideologies in their entertainment. In the past couple of years the entertainment industry, and Netflix especially, seems to have an agenda with their programming and that agenda isn't simply entertainment. When they change the race of various characters in films in order to make everything have a diverse cast, or they insert gay characters into almost any programming that comes out, people start to get a bit annoyed by it. I think that a lot of people tune out this sort of entertainment not because they are necessarily opposed to it, but because of the fact hat it is so forced and seemingly unnecessary.

To be honest with you I am a bit fearful even typing those words because of how some sectors of people become so upset that anyone would even suggest that having diversity in the cast of anything is "unnecessary." I only say that not because I want minorities to be excluded (i don't) but because of the fact that anytime something does poorly, if a film or series or whatever has minority characters of any sort the people that support the diversity movement immediately blame straight white people as the reason why it is that the show did poorly.

I was never going to go and see "Bros" even if I had known that it was in theaters. This isn't because I am afraid of homosexuals or that I think that lifestyle is wrong, but because I just don't have any interest in watching something like that. I would imagine that people who don't have an affinity towards sci-fi probably wouldn't be enthusiastic about going to see a new "Star Wars" film either. People just in a general sense don't pay money to go and see something that they don't have an interest in.

This PC culture crap is stupid and has been for a long time. It seems as though Hollywood has a new system that they use that involves putting what they consider to be "marginalized" groups into their cast and therefore the critics are going to be afraid to say anything negative about it and if the show isn't successful, the creators can always just blame whatever "-ism" as the reason why it did not do well.

We also need to look at the fact that men, just generally speaking, aren't fans of romantic comedies. When I was in college and on a date with my girlfriend she would often want to go see rom-coms. That was literally the only reason why I went to see them. I, like a lot of people, get tired of how the plot is basically the same in every single one of these films and i would imagine that "Bros" is not an exception.

Hollywood has a lot of damage control to do right now. I think the population of at least the USA is sick and tired of being lectured by Hollywood celebrities and accusing us of being anti-something just because we don't spend $20 to see it on a big screen is not a good way to go with this. You can't guilt me into going to see something I have no interest in seeing. I think that most people feel the same way.

Here's my message to Billy Eichner: Most movies fail buddy, if people truly didn't want to see anything gay then explain how "Brokeback Mountain" made $160 million back in 2005. Back then LGBT stuff wasn't being force-fed to the population and people loved that movie. I loved that movie. Perhaps the problem isn't the viewers, but the people who are making what is being viewed.


I might watch it because I'm a "target demographic". However, the producer's mouth-frothing opinions isn't a big incentive...

And that is great! You'll have to let us know what you think after you see it, if you do.

This is the reason I've stopped caring about being labeled with any of the new phobias or isms. If everything is bigoted nothing is and the labels lose meaning when they're mostly used for baseless accusations.

I think that there are a lot of people that feel this way, I know that I do. These days when the media calls anything "racist" or some other phobia or ism as you say, I believe that whoever was using this has well and truly overplayed this card to the point where the words no longer mean anything.

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