It feels like Democrats do a LOT of pandering

in #politics4 years ago

I'm not suggesting that Republicans don't do it as well. I don't really think that Donald Trump is a religious person. He was always in the public eye and faith never really came into the picture before he was running for office but I feel as though it is relatively well known that if you can convince people that you like their God as well they are a lot more likely to vote for you because that is a pretty tight-knit group. Basically I am not trying to say that Republicans are innocent in this realm because they are not.

I am saying that Democrats appear to pander to any demographic that will lend an ear and this is particularly true with minorities. I suppose as a white redneck it would be easy for me to have this point of view but I honestly don't think that there is any sort of widespread racism the way in which the Democrats keep harping on about and they are using this "racism" as a reason to vote for them. Is it working? I don't know about on a global scale but there are plenty of minorities in our community here in Eastern North Carolina and very few of them support Democrat candidates.


This has been going on for a really long time and the Democrats I think have done a wonderful job of keeping the primarily black and latino voters convinced that their party is the one that is going to help them - yet when they get into power in many cities in America and even when the Democrats and even a black Democrat President serves two terms, things don't really change as far as the problems in the minority communities are concerned. So why is it that they get away with continually promising things to this particular demographic, produce no results, and still have their support?

I also feel as though Democrats are far more guilty of making promises that don't have much feasible chance of ever coming to fruition due to the fact that what they are promising sounds nice, but is economically impossible. In this instance I will refer to Bernie Sanders, who it seems has the word "free" in every promise that he makes.


I took a class or two in Econ when i was in college (they let rednecks in those) and it was one of the most enlightening classes I took in my time in university and a lot of the things we talked about stick with me to this day. On day one, the stoic professor whose voice made it sound like this was going to be the most boring class of all time had a half and hour lecture about how "There aint no such thing as a free lunch." Then he went on to explain the economic ramifications of literally anything that is promised for "free."

Sure getting something for nothing always sounds like it is going to be awesome, but at the end of the day everything must be paid for by someone. The costs have to be absorbed somehow, somewhere. To put things into a more small scale I'll just talk about my friend who recently landed a job in nursing in Southern California. Cali is the state with the most "free stuff" in the Union. She got a contract where she is getting paid a ludicrous $2500 a DAY to work 18 hour shifts for 18 days. This is made possible by Covid money and she is getting hazard pay for it. So getting paid that much sounds awesome, right? Well this puts her in a tax bracket of around 40%. After taxes this contract is actually LESS lucrative than the other ones she was offered in other parts of the country. The reason why the taxes must be this high in Cali is because of all the "free" programs that the state has.... someone has to pay for it and since this program she is involved in is government sponsored, she is in effect paying her own salary with her very high tax rate.


I feel as though promising stuff that perhaps the individual politicians realize is economically impossible is an effective political tool towards certain people - people who are crazy enough to believe that any of this can actually happen.

I am sure that Republicans make promises that can't happen as well but it seems to me that the Dems are far more likely to throw the word "free" around and never actually want to answer the questions about how it will be paid for. I remember an instance where AOC tried to tell everyone how the Green New Deal was going to be paid for and she threw some intelligent sounding numbers out there but when someone actually crunched the numbers it turns off her figures were off by three zeros. This is a rather large discrepancy. Yet she still uses these same tactics when she is campaigning and it appears to work.

I'll admit that I am not excited about the two candidates that we have available this year but I have never, nor will I ever vote for a Democrat for anything (Ok, I did vote for one once, because he was my friend and running for city council - he lost.) I would much rather vote for Herman Supreme because at least his promises of free ponies for everyone is whimsical. But when politicians start promising things that they can not possibly come through on and the people eat it up time and time again, I look at the political process with a certain amount of disgust.


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