Hypocrisy among liberal voters

in #politics4 years ago

I think you could quite easily discover hypocrisy in almost any politician, their affiliation to either of the big parties in the United States kind of ensures that this is going to end up being the case but I really believe that Democrats kind of pander a great deal more than Republicans do and this is incredibly obvious this time around and I want to give a couple of examples.

I am not going to look it up because I honestly don't care enough to try but I don't recall very many instances where a Republican contender for President picked a VP nominee from a group of people that just a few months ago they were embroiled in heated debate with that resulted in both of them saying some pretty awful things about one another.

I've always found it strange that someone who shared a stage with other potential Presidential candidates would just a little while later endorse that candidate after working really hard to expose all the shortcomings of that person during the primary debates. You might recall that Kamala Harris did everything that she could in order to paint Joe Biden as racist during the primaries and now she graciously accepts the VP nomination from that same person.


Now she is busy scrubbing her Tweets from the internet in order to try to convince the world that she never said those things and somehow that makes them go away. Of course she knows that people have already screenshotted everything she has ever said and it is still there but I think we all know that the media will do everything they can to try to bury this.

This is not really what I want to talk about though because we all knew that Biden, in an effort to pander to as many people as possible, was always going to select a minority woman to be his running mate. For those out there in liberal circles, doesn't it feel just a little bit insulting that this was so predictable? Does it not make you feel a tiny bit belittled that Biden would feel that some voters are so detached from any sort of logical decision making that he would assume that there are people that will just vote for anyone that is a woman or also anyone that is black?

I'm sure there are people out there like that but honestly, that level of pandering doesn't insult you just a little bit?

What I really want to talk about today is the fact that on social media and in person with my liberal friends (yeah, i have some of those and am able to have civil conversations with them face-to-face) have spent the past 4 years poking fun at Donald Trump's seeming inability to put together full sentences and make points without running of on a tangent with what many people call "word salad."


In the past when I was presented with this situation I wouldn't even try to defend the man because yes, he does run off at the mouth and unless it is scripted the way that his rallies work, he tends to run off at the mouth and ends up kind of ruining the point of the entire thing by doing so. It is indefensible and I find it a bit embarrassing when the conservative talking heads attempt to defend it.

There aren't many conservatives out there that are willing to concede this but I will. Trump is not great at impromptu speeches - I will admit this and if anyone is being honest they too can admit that.

However, these same people that were so smug about Trump's microphone gaffes are actually going to sit there and pretend that Joe Biden is not exactly the same thing? I think it is fairly easy to make the case that Joe is much much worse. This will be evident during the debates unless Joe has just been putting on an I'm a dumbass show for the past 6 months to lower everyone's expectations of him in the debates.

Trump hit the nail on the head the other day during an interview where he said (in regards to the upcoming debates)

"If Biden Can Stand Up And Breathe, Media Will Say It’s ‘One Of The Greatest Debate Performances In History"

and he is probably not wrong. We will be looking at a week of heavily edited Biden performances if Joe can manage to sound even somewhat coherent (which I think will be a struggle) during the debates and it will be declared a resounding victory for the Democrat.

When I look at my IG or FB feed, which has, just like everyone else's feed, a few people that inject politics into just about anything they can muster, I see a very lukewarm enthusiasm towards Joe's campaign. These same people that highlighted every mis-step that Trump has ever made in public speaking being completely quiet about the fact that Joe Biden is much much worse.

The debates are going to be quite possibly the most entertaining television that this year has to offer. I would imagine that most Dems, if they are being honest would admit they are seriously worried about Joe's ability to participate in them. Their hatred for Trump is really the only thing they have going for them right now because honestly, does anyone truly believe that Biden is a strong candidate?

This would be yet another novel opportunity for people to look to 3rd parties but unfortunately the heads on the television tell us day in and day out that this is a the "most important election of our lifetime!" Just like every other Presidential election of our lifetimes.


well i am probably more conservative leaning but let's not limit the hypocrisy towards liberals. This is evident in every political candidate with rare exception. I don't think you are wrong about how people have been picking on Trump's speeches for a while only to nominate someone worse on the other side. Go back 10 years and make a comedy about exactly this scenario and people wouldn't believe it is possible.

oh you are correct. I am not trying to deny that. Politics is a dirty game and I think it has been extremely evident this year for sure

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