Greenville Trump Rally

in #politics4 years ago

Greenville, North Carolina is where the university I attended back in the 90's is located and it is also the closest semi-large city to where I live in somewhat rural North Carolina. Most of the time the city is considered rather insignificant by politicians so I was somewhat surprised that President Trump came to ECU to do a rally.

Just like anywhere else the man goes there was a ton of enthusiasm for his arrival. I did not go :)

src no matter how you feel about the President, that plane is an impressive sight

I wasn't going to go through the security rigors and battle traffic to go to this when I can just watch the highlights on Youtube plus I work mid day, especially when the weather was nice. It's still nice for all the Trump supporters that he decided to come by here.

Greenville, despite basically existing because of the very large university there, is a pretty conservative place other than the student population who are largely, as you would expect, liberal.


Of course there were certain people that work for the usual suspect networks such as CNN that tried to downplay the crowd size, saying there were "hundreds of people" in attendance when it was actually thousands and then they found photos of a few stragglers that were wearing offensive T-shirts so they can try to paint the picture that everyone who was there is a moron... this is nothing new, that is what they do.

They also, of course focused on the fact that a lot of people were not wearing masks or social distancing the same way that they would really admire Biden "crowds" for being responsible and definitely social distancing because it is really easy to keep a wide distance from the others in attendance when nobody actually wants to go to your rallies.

This has really been funny to me about the Biden campaign because among their other lies the silliest one is for them to claim that low rally attendance numbers is intentional.


North Carolina is considered to be one of the swing states in that they don't always vote one way such as how California always votes Democrat and places like all the states from North Dakota down to Oklahoma have zero chance of not being Republican. North Carolina could go either way. They voted for Obama in at least one of his elections, it might have been both. I dunno because I didn't care because I have voted Libertarian since the mid 90's and we never win.

I really believe that Trump is going to carry NC and all of the other swing states this year. I don't believe the polls any more than I believe that the negative aspects pointed about about this rally by CNN, some of which were just plain lies.

The speech was about 90 minutes and I listened to about 2 minutes of it in a highlight reel. Not to downplay Trump's showmanship, because he is quite the showman, but he talks about the same things at all of these rallies and that is just fine. The people in the crowd loved it.

The most surprising thing to me was that the Greenville airport is even capable of accommodating an airplane the size of Air Force One. The airport here is a little less than thriving and the only time I ever took a flight out of there it was on an airplane with about 20 seats on it. I would imagine that they probably didn't even have to disrupt that many flights in order to accommodate the President's security detail.


I initial hit the down button. Sorry. Didn't mean it. Hit up twice to compensate.

awwww. Thanks pal!

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