Funny /sad moments this week in Presidential election

in #politics4 years ago

This is the strangest election that I have ever been through and I think that most Americans can probably say the same if they are being honest. We have a President at the moment who has been attacked relentlessly by a majority of the press for the entire time he has been in office and even several months prior to that. We have an opposing party that honestly could have put forth any of the other candidates and have a better choice on their hands, and we have endless SMH moments from both sides that just keep coming.

No matter what happens on November 3rd I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I will be delighted that it is over no matter what happens.

Here are some funny things that happened this week that made me laugh a bit.

Biden refers to Trump as "George"


Any Biden "supporter" that tries to make the claim that their candidate is all there mentally has a lot of work on their hands. We don't really see a lot of people on social media that are attempting to do that because it is kind of tough when during and interview the guy can't remember the name of the person that he is running against. He was clearly talking about Trump but says "George" twice before starting to babble and then eventually saying "Trump." The funny part of this is that you can see his wife grimace while it is going on.

The good news for Biden in all of this is that most people probably wouldn't have even known this interview had even happened if he hadn't screwed it up.

Trump team makes a fun Wi-Fi password at rally

I don't know if you watched the last debate and for the sake of your own sanity I hope you didn't but while it wasn't anywhere near as bad of a shit show as the first one, it was still pretty bad. However, there was a fun moment where Biden brought up the "children in cages" at the Mexico border and I can't imagine that his team advised doing so because Trump responded with what anyone who actually ever bothered to look already knew: That the cages were built during the Obama administration that Joe Biden of course, was the Vice President during.

At a rally in Wisconsin I guess that the press are supplied access to a special Wi-Fi access point and their ticket contains the information on how to access it.


Love him or hate him, the dude has a fantastic sense of humor and I can't remember at any point in our lives that we had such a master troll as head of state.

Press ushered away as Biden struggles to answer a question

I don't know exactly where this took place but that doesn't really matter. When Joe was asked about SCOTUS and the possibility of court packing should he take office, he starts to bumble his answer and you can quickly see in the video that his handlers move in


While it certainly isn't a surprise that Joe would skirt this question rather than directly answering it because he is a politician and that is what politicians do. This is the first time that I can recall where the camera-person as well as the rest of the press were ushered off away from the candidate before he can actually finishing giving his usual non answer.

I'm sure there are plenty of other funny moments that have taken place in the past few days and I am also certain that Trump is the butt of a lot of those moments. However, I don't feel as though the ones above (except for the 2nd one) would ever be featured in the news. Already, it is quite difficult to find clips on YT of 1 or 3 and that honestly doesn't surprise me at all.

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