FBI raids home of GOP candidate: Imagine if the reverse happened under "Orange Man?"

in #politics2 years ago

Politics has gotten really ugly in the past 5 years or so. It may have been pretty ugly before then and I'm sure it always has been but the details were not as readily available as they are now. The youngest memory I have of really dirty politics was when Ross Perot came out of nowhere, looked like he would win the Presidential election while not being and Republican or a Democrat and then he abruptly quit and would later reveal that he and all of his friends and family were being harassed by government agents during his campaign. He has done very little politically since then and the party that he was attempting to form has crashed and burned. I don't think this is a coincidence.


Lately, there have been a bunch of rather dirty tricks going on in politics and perhaps this is just "par for the course." It could be for all I know but when I read this story about a gubernatorial candidate in Michigan having his home raided and getting arrested I couldn't help but think that if this was happening under Trump, that the media and social media powers that be would be pointing the finger directly at Trump himself regardless of whether or not he actually had anything to do with it.

Cries of "this is Trump's America" would be featured for hours on end by all the major left-leaning news outlets and there would almost certainly be protests and riots over it.

The election in Michigan is a hotly contested one as a lot of press was put on Gretchen Whitmer during Covid and especially during the 2020 election cycle. I didn't follow what was going on there very closely but I know that in all the years of my life, I probably wouldn't have even known who the governor of Michigan even was, let alone care.

So far 3 candidates have been deemed ineligible for running for the Republican primary on technicalities including one that was a front-runner in the polls. Again, I don't know the details of most of this but that isn't the point. The point is that if the orange man was in office that everyone in the media would be pointing at Trump as if he was suited up and raided the house himself.

Getting back to Ryan Kelley. The reason the FBI states for arresting him is because he participated in the Jan 6th iNsUrReCtIoN! in 2021 and the media is milking that bad boy for all it's worth. I am sure that the fact that we are getting closer to November elections is all just a total coincidence.

The good news is that this all seems to be backfiring for all the powers that be in Michigan because Kelley has actually seen a bit of a bump in popularity since his supporters feel even stronger towards him following what many consider to be an abuse of power by the Federal government. Also, he got a ton of free press because of this event and many people sympathized with him and are now supporters. Of course the left-leaning media tried to turn this into a reason to NOT vote for the guy but the opposite seems to have happened.


There he is, burning and looting police stations and small businesses in his community... or.... standing somewhere. Something like that.

I don't know much about Ryan Kelley and I don't care enough to go and look it up. The only issue I have with this is that the media reaction to this would have been very different if someone else was in the White House. I'm sure that most people have figured out that the media is not doing their jobs anymore and perhaps never were. I don't know anyone that trusts the MSM anymore and if one good thing can come out of the past few years, it is that.

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