Biden sits down for fried chicken dinner with black family as a promotional tool

in #politics7 months ago

Now this is all fine and dandy because who doesn't like fried chicken other than vegans? Fried chicken is awesome but it also has a sort of stereotype associated with blacks, whether it is a race thing or not. The problem here is that doing something like this to me almost seems like they are flaunting the fact that Ol' Joe is not all there and whoever it is that is pulling the strings wants to parade it in front of our faces kind of like see! We can do whatever we want and you morons are still going to vote for this guy.


A guy whose face I recognize but didn't realize that he is a real ratings puller over at ESPN who just happens to be black himself and is also liberal, took to his own airwaves to say this

"First of all, we all know about racial tropes, do we not? Racist tropes. You ever heard of that? Where people sit up there and try to use things to intimate something else of a racially insensitive nature. So Black folks with the president and fried chicken ain’t the greatest look"

His name is Stephen A. Smith and apparently he is quite popular in the sports world. I like sports sure, but just not enough to know who this guy is but he is absolutely correct.


Stephen went on to indicate that if Donald Trump did the exact same thing the media would be talking about how racist it is and therefore how racist Trump is for doing it. However, since the shoe is on the other foot almost nobody is talking about it at all, certainly none of the major networks. Stephen works for a sport network who got into some hot water and lost a lot of viewers by getting too political a few years back so he admits that he is told by his employer ESPN to stay away from politics. However, these views were made on his own show and also he reiterated them on the Howard Stern show. Stern, who is an annoyingly extreme liberal actually agreed with Smith on this topic.

So what does that say to you about the actual support that Joe Biden actually has when some of his biggest boot-lickers like Stern are actually kind of fed up with his idiocy?

The fried chicken dinner wasn't, of course, just Joe going out to be nice to people in the middle of his day. It was an attempt at a promotion in my home state of North Carolina, which is considered many years to be a swing state. A large percentage of the population of North Carolina is black, well above the national average. Now my question is this: Does the Biden administration really think that the black voters of North Carolina are going to see him eating fried chicken and think "oh, he's one of us!" This is just the Hillary Clinton "hot sauce" stupidity all over again. This is pandering at its lowest level.

I only watched a tiny piece of the dinner because I knew it was going to be scripted but yet still, Biden bumbled his words even though he literally had a captive audience that likely already knew what they were going to be talking about. One of the boys at the table conveniently recently had his student loans forgiven, which is a new thing the Biden campaign is focusing on in order to try to appeal to younger voters. I'll write some more about why student loans can't and shouldn't be forgiven at another time.

Normally I wouldn't really care about this sort of stuff because both sides of the political fence do stupid stuff like this on a regular basis. A person of decent intelligence can see right through this sort of crap but what boils my blood is the double standard that exists for Biden. If Trump or really any conservative was to do exactly this in an attempt to promote themselves they would be called out for how racist it is and the black people in the video would be called "Uncle Toms" for participating in it. But when a liberal does it, that's just fine in the eyes of the media.

Although I am certain that Stephen A Smith's vocalization about all of this is at least in part self-serving, I commend him for calling it out.


"If Trump or really any conservative was to do exactly this in an attempt to promote themselves they would be called out for how racist it is and the black people in the video would be called "Uncle Toms" for participating in it. But when a liberal does it, that's just fine in the eyes of the media."

You mean the media is biased?! Unpossible!!

haha.. yeah, exactly.

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