Biden's word salad leads to MSM talking about Trump's cognitive capacity

in #politics8 months ago

What is it called? Deflection? I think that is the word for when you accuse someone else of what you yourself are actually guilty of. Well that is what the media is doing these days across the board. Hell, even the right-oriented media kind of stays away from talking about how almost every time that Biden does a speech that it is just gobble-dee-goop even though he is clearly reading from a teleprompter.


Now just in case someone is reading my stuff for the first time I want you to understand this: I am not a Trump supporter, I am not a MAGA guy, I hate BOTH parties. There is one thing I dislike even more than the two-party corrupt system in America though and that is the media giants that protect them and the lies that they tell in order to further some sort of agenda.

Months ago Biden said "More than half of the women in my administration are women!" and the hand selected trained seal crowd that was behind him erupted into applause. There have been so many more examples of this sort of blunder that is just so common with this guy yet aside from a few outlets like the NY Post (not to be confused with the ultra-liberal NY Times) nobody even talks about it.

To me, I think it is hilarious that we have someone like this who holds the top position in our country yet we expect the rest of the world to take us seriously. If one good thing can be said about the Biden administration it is that I don't think many people with the intelligence higher than a 2nd grader actually believes that the President of the United States is actually really in charge of the United States. He clearly doesn't write his own speeches and I'm not suggesting that others in the past have done so either. They all have teams of people doing it for them. The difference here is that Biden can't even manage to read them.

While it was released by Fox news who is of course biased here is a collection of relatively recent gaffes by Biden.

People jumble up words. It happens to me and you from time to time as well. The difference is that we are not the President of the USA.

So when a recent and hilarious gaffe that the president committed when he couldn't manage to get "women of America" out of his face hole happened, once again, almost nobody reported on it but instead, the day's news was spent focusing on how Trump got Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi mixed up during a speech where he IS NOT reading a teleprompter.

This clip is extremely easy to find whereas the one about Biden being unable to say "women of America" is almost impossible to find on YouTube or just online at all.

After the recent Biden gaffe-a-thon, which honestly could be anytime the guy ever talks, the major networks instead held massive hour-long talks about how Trump is cognitively incapable of leading the country without even addressing the fact that their guy, is MUCH worse.

If we really want to have a talk about the cognitive capacity of a President, it would be nice if we could at least be unbiased about it. Trump, while amusing, is terrible at interviews and just goes on and on and on saying the same things over and over again. Biden says some sort of jumbled nothingness that doesn't even seem to address whatever the question even was.

I don't watch MSM news, but I do end up hearing about it and look at statistics as far as which networks are talking about it. When DJT makes a mistake in a speech the media absolutely explodes talking about it whereas when Biden does the same thing but worse, only a handful of outlets even talk about it at all.

I don't know many people that have any faith in the main stream media but when I do meet someone that has alerts on their phone from basically ANY major "news" source, I know that I am dealing with an NPC who doesn't even think for themselves.

I hope that this year is a fun one and it almost certainly will be with the shitshow that is guaranteed to happen between Trump and Biden. I do not care which one of these people wins in November because nothing is going to change aside from maybe some additional wall being built in Texas.

MSM viewership is down across the board by a LOT and this gives me some faith that people are starting to wake up to the fact that they are being lied to any time those people are given a platform. Hopefully all of them will go under in the coming years.


It's actually called projection

thanks for teaching me something today!

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