All this talk about prosecuting Hillary Clinton: Nothing is going to come from it

in #politics3 years ago

I believe there are certain people in this world that are untouchable and the Clinton family is one of the members of that group. My news-feed has a few political voices in it and a lot of them are talking about how Hillary Clinton could be facing jail time for something to do with hacking the office of the President and other things that I don't really bother to read into because even if it is true and it is proven to be true, nothing is going to happen to her or her family.


When they say that "people need to go to jail" I believe that there is a real possibility that this could happen but I would bet my very small farm that it won't be the people who are really behind all of this, if it is even true.

Every day I'll see a new "bombshell" report about how The Durham Probe is uncovering more and more information about how the Clinton campaign spied on Trump during the 2016 campaign and then continued to do so after he was President. Is this a crime? Probably. Will she take the fall for it? Of course not.

If anything at all comes of this, and I don't think it will since almost nobody is focusing on it and our political-elite system is rigged, that a fall guy will be found and do some time and then later get pardoned when nobody is looking.

Things are NOT about to get real serious, as the above article claims.

This is something that is very frustrating about media and politics in the United States right now: Everyone has these amazing claims about someone being caught red-handed but nothing ever happens. If anything happens at all it will just end up being a bunch of politicians that use this a way of getting on TV or doing press conferences to promote themselves when they don't really have the power or perhaps even the intention of ever actually having anyone held accountable.

Also, even though I am conservative I take articles by conservative sources about as seriously as I do from the ones from liberal sources: They aren't telling the entire story but rather are just simply telling their readers what they want to hear.

If you or I was spying on a campaign or an elected official we would go to jail, sure; but extremely well-connected and wealthy people don't go to jail for anything that they do and that is just the way that the world is.


Combine this with the fact that the political divide in the country has us in a situation where nobody is really interested in justice but only with party allegiance and it is basically guaranteed that nothing will come of this or anything related to it.

Politics were always a dirty game... this is nothing new. I do feel as though it has become particularly toxic in the past 10 years though and I really don't see this getting better anytime soon.


Of course nothing would happen. The US hardly prosecutes its politicians. That's the one thing France does better

There are probably a lot of reasons to prosecute her and many other politicians, but I agree, nothing will happen to her. The only politicians that end up getting in trouble are very low level ones and the Clintons are definitely not that.

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