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RE: This is what a true PATRIOT looks like USA USA USA

in #politics6 years ago

imagine? Are you kidding me. It’s been happening to Jews for the past 2000 years. Who stopped that from happening. But suddenly a land the
size of New Jersey is becoming a world beacon for “freedom” -
no where else in the world for that /sarc

Any-hoo all land is won by some war or another. Sick hypocrital revisionist history cannot discount that either - ie all of Europe and the middle east and America - but when Israel wins
war.. time to give back...Riiiiight


your logic is survival the fittest which reminds me a lot of hitler

Try being slaughtered for thousands of years you insensitive slick-stain. If it was survival of the fittest, nuclear weapons would have been deployed. Pod

let me try and summarize what you try and say:
because of the past of jewish ancestors it gives you the right to treat other minorities like hitler did? and because @heyscrunch has ancestors that are german you say he is not supposed to speak up against this injustice even though he was born way after the world war? and because he is born german he is born guilty and because you are born jewish you are born as a victim? and jewish thinking that we are born innocent and equal are self hating jews as they dont realize their entitlement? and that entitlement is to take away the "holy land" that brittain promised independence to for palestinians fighting in their wars as a colony and brittain betrayed? what do palestinians owe to you? instead you massacre them does this not make you owe to them? instead you want their extermination. Palestinians were willing to compromise a lot and agreed with Israel for palestine to have only 22% of their original land, yet israel wants 100% and make Palestinians cease to exist.

well guess what germans never participated in slavery until the concentration camps for jews, herero, gay and communists and ect in the 20th century. so you born american makes you pretty guilty towards the african people compared to the germans. also germans have a deep regret for their ancestors past and have paid a lot of money to repair the damages, while america is proud for its wars and many are still proud on confederacy. this is why germans are loved in most countries and americans are hated (also our cars are pretty epic). Also hitler killed less people than Stalin or Mao, yet i dont see you shouting out against china or russia about their past.

#1 I am not an American and share no guilt over slavery which the Americans took care of themself

#2 Germans want to be absolved of what they did by blaming Israel and saying they are no different.

#3 Israel versus Palestinians is a myth. Jordan is Palestine and there are over 2,000,000 Arabs / Muslims (in a country of about 7,000,000) who are free and have every right as everyone else. If Gaza and West bank had freedom of religion m, had freedom then we wouldn’t be having this back and forth.

To compare Israel to Germany is laughable. There is no slavery, and Palestinians are growing in population. Even though they are inferior in terms of weaponry. So if it is thenfittest who survive, why does Israel allow the Pals to continue on? Israel also knows if the rolls were reversed Israel would be annihilated, and your German buddy would jump in joy!!!

Stalin and Mao were evil.

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Palestine being jordan is like saying Canada is USA. Oh and here I grant you freedom of religion in Palestine so what did you mean with

If Gaza and West bank had freedom of religion m, had freedom then we wouldn’t be having this back and forth.

the Basic Law provides for religious freedom. The Basic Law was approved in 2002 by the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)

I do not need to be absolved by Israel for what I did as I did not do anything. My ancestors did (actually im part Polish so part of my ancestors), and so I am currently paying repairment cost in form of taxes on their behalf. The actual guilt died together with my ancestors.

Israel agreed with the Oslo accords on Palestinian territory yet it violates its agreement. If Israel was to stick to the agreement there would be peace and we would not have this conversation.

The argument "they would kill us if they had the chance" is a weak argument. In your eyes also Germans would kill Israel if they had the chance, but you dont realize that the people of Germany are completely different now. In 2015 the amount of refugees we took in (also from Palestine) was almost 1% of our population. These were welcomed on the trainstation they arrived. You harvest the seed you plant, and if you keep planting hate then you get hate. If you accept them and give them basic human rights they will see you as a human too. The way Israel treats Palestinian workers is like Slaves.

I’m so happy you imported so many. Hopefully it will bring you Shariah Zones and eventually a civil war. Nice pattern if you follow it.

I see.. you want.. NEED Israel to be the villain to absolve your father from being a Nazi sympathizer. Got it!


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i could slap you for this. how dare you call my father a nazi sympathizer.

you twisted little shit, this is not about making someone a villain its about being willing to make compromises and stick to those compromises to live peacefully side by side. only an animal would be so cold about killing people. you make me sick.

also there will never be shariah law in germany, and any sane muslims also would not want sharia. sharia law is an excuse for regimes like saudi or iran to punish people harshly that are not in line with their regime.

Jordan was the 8Emirate of Transjordan](, a separate brittish colony.

Go fuck your self im done with trying to talk common sense to you. You would not listen to common sense even when it slapped with its dick right across your face.

hit a raw nerve ehhhhh? Boo hoo.. keep paying for your father’s crimes. I guess you are the real neo nazi.. being the son of a nazi sympathizer. You want to finish Hitlers work by going against Israel! Like father like son ! Enjoy your Shariah Zones!! Hahahahahbah

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