Woke Video Weekend 2019-07-14 (17 videos)

in #politics5 years ago

Woke Video Weekend 2019-07-14 (17 videos)

A mix of best videos from this week. A really nice interview with Bernie. Deep insights into inequality and the fight for equality. More on censorship and the mass media brainwash. the generational shift from capitalism to socialism, class relations, abusive white supremacy, free speech, and removing the rich from power. Stars: Bernie anders, John Spritzler, Cornel West, Richard Wolff, David Harvey, Lee Camp, The Rational National, Niko House, Kyle Kulinski, ColdFusion, John Carlos Frey and Amy Goofman (on Democracy Now), cholitas on Redfish, and more.

(you are lucky if you get to see this post despite of censorship -- it's best to subscribe directly)


  1. A Nicely Personal Bernie Interview
  2. “Equal Opportunity”: The Sneaky Proposal of a Level Playing Field
  3. Economy: Capitalism/Socialism Generational Shift
  4. Class Relations Becoming Visible (and the Constant Counter Strikes from the Top)
  5. Media: MSM effing us & the Constant False Narratives
  6. Media War: Censorship on Youtube
  7. CIA Wants to Keep Torture Crimes Secret
  8. The Oligarchy’s War on Honest Politicians
  9. Cornel West Exposing Joe Biden & Kamala Harris
  10. Bernie’s People Power
  11. Media: Fox Celebrates Wage Slavery
  12. Why Progressive Organizations Don’t Advocate Removing the Rich from Power
  13. Revisiting the Banking Racket
  14. We Need Assange More than He Needs Us
  15. White Supremacy → Immigrant Discrimination
  16. Cholitas: Brown People Fighting for Human Equality



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