The Economic COVID Lie and more -- Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-04-05 (24 videos)

in #politics4 years ago

(Sorry... sharing late... so busy... best subscribe and share yourselves)

This little known publication is easily under-estimated: The first video shared is a MUST-HEAR to not fall for the official lie of the allegedly coronavirus-caused economic collapse (just like they blamed poor workers for the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis). The next several are also very insightful on what we must do:

Wakeful Video Weekend 2020-04-05 (24 videos)

Most important issues: how we are currently getting hugely screwed and how we must fight back and accomplish much needed real change.

Stars & Channels: Richard Wolff, RJ Eskow, Cal Jennings, Jimmy Dore, Michael Brooks, Ralph Nader, The Hill (Krystal Ball & Saagar Enjeti), The Real News Network, and more...


  1. Capitalism not COVID Kills Us (a system no longer justified) – And Gov Slap in Our Face
  2. Conversation: Max Blumenthal & Jimmy Dore on Progressive Movement (& the BIG Mistake of Relying on Leaders)
  3. Analysis of a Shrinking “Leader” (AOC)
  4. Barring A People-Serving Government with Bureaucratic Hurdles
  5. People Power
  6. Fighting from the Bottom & the EVIL Establishment
  7. Humor & Good Conversation (on a Grassroots Revolution)
  8. Our Broken System SANCTIONS Us on COVID
  9. Trump Would Eat Biden Alive
  10. Key Polls Prove Biden’s Impossibility to Beat Trump
  11. Update on the D-Primaries Chaos
  12. What Bernie Should Do at the Very Least
  13. Inequality & Immorality from the Lords
  14. Suffering in the Inequality Pyramid
  15. Bernie Speech: His Current Work
  16. Collapse Under-Way
  17. Fun & Hope (Grassroots Rebellion)
  18. We Must Pressure our Candidates
  19. More on Election Fraud
  20. The Neoliberal 40-Years Betrayal (in short)

1st video (a MUST-HEAR):

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