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RE: Is or should internet access be a human right?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I don't think it can/should be a human right. If it were, are we saying that governments will enforce laws requiring ISP providers to give it to people for "free"? I don't like that idea. Call me antiquated.

How can everyone have a human right that forces another person or entity to give you something that they have created from their own wealth, industry, knowledge, etc.?

Rights are generally protections from threats to your freedom from government or other entities and are not a guarantee of receiving goods or services.

By making Internet a human right you would be imposing on other already established human rights of others.

If water is not a human right (and I am not saying it should be) there is no way Internet should be!

Not saying I don't wish for everyone to have these wonderful things. You just cannot and should not attempt to guarantee them.


Internet as a human right does not mean a government mandated 100MB up'n'down to every home free of charge. It means that all people have an access to the internet. Perhaps in a local library or a community center.

And water, food and shelter should be absolutely be a human right. A community that does not provide those absolute minimums to their people has their priorities very twisted up.

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