How I feel about the property taxes in my city. Well, about half of how I feel......

in #politics7 years ago

Oh and #TaxationIsTheft over and above the terrible people running my city and stealing civil rights and damaging actual residents who are informed and have been loud about it trying to inform others.

Targeted Individuals, it is a real thing.


And as always......... LIBERTY FIRST.


Should the tax system be restructured? Hopefully that brings a better change.

Very well, liberty (freedom) is paramount...

hopefully your information useful for all

I mean if it were just about paying up money on an annual basis it would have been one thing. Kind of like the way you hand over you wallet to a mugger pointing a gun in your face.
The truth is that not only is your tax money parted from you, you will get minimum say on how to use that money for the welfare of the country. That is if we are lucky and our money is not being already used to damage the society.
...................shit another rant. Man I have just become sensitive about taxes.

Oh how I agree with your sentiments. Oh how much so.

I pay my property taxes in cash, just to remind myself how much of my work is going to pay for our great schools and roads and police and fire services. If I begin to think that they don't deserve my money? I just remember the great words of our former president:

Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. BHO

I think I threw up a little in my mouth. The "business" that allows me to acquire enough cash to pay my property taxes so I don't loose my home? See, I didn't build that. The "Unbelievable American System" built that, apparently. With taxes. Somebody else made that happen. I'm so glad they allowed me to thrive. Allowed. Where's the mouthwash?


You made me remember a friend, who had to pay for a stampo in order to be able to pay for the stamp he wanted to pay.
Wallet rape.
They abuse because it's "mandatory" well, money won't be man datory for much longer! (I just hope to be alive to see it happening)

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