Crooked Hillary Clinton Used Bleach Bit On Her Servers

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Crooked Hillary Clinton has taken a page from the many of the carding and opsec tutorials on the Darknet with her use of Bleach Bit on her illegal email servers, eliminating forever the traces of her pay-for-play dealings at the state department. To go to such lengths to delete what Clinton has called routine, non work related messages does not pass muster. We know here why people use Bleach Bit, its to cover up the shit they're doing, shit that could ultimately put someone in prison.

In the words of Congressman Trey Gowdy: “They were using something called BleachBit. You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails or bridemaids emails. When you’re using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.”

Hillary Clinton’s lawyers used a special tool to delete emails from her personal server so that “even God can’t read them,” House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy said on Thursday.

Gowdy (R-S.C.) said the use of BleachBit, computer software whose website advertises that it can “prevent recovery” of files, is further proof that Clinton had something to hide in deleting personal emails from the private email system she used during her tenure as secretary of state.

Clinton has long said that the deleted emails were all of a personal nature, relating largely to yoga and her daughter’s wedding, but Gowdy said he did not know whether the Democratic nominee considered emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation to be personal. It’s a question he said he hopes reporters ask Clinton the next chance they get.

“She and her lawyers had those emails deleted. And they didn’t just push the delete button; they had them deleted where even God can’t read them,” Gowdy said Thursday morning during an interview on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.” “They were using something called BleachBit. You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails or bridemaids emails. When you’re using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.”

The South Carolina congressman said Clinton’s previous statements, chiefly her disproved statement that she did not send or receive classified information on her private server, should inform whether or not the public believes her when she says Clinton Foundation donors were never granted special treatment by her State Department.


It's still hard for me to believe she is not in prison already.

I can't believe that people will still vote for her!

i can't believe people would rather vote for trump. Neither is a good candidate. One has been apart of the government keeping secrets and the other is trying to run a country like a company.

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