Merkel = Enemy of 'Herself' Her 'Family' and the 'People'

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

One thing that sometimes flabbergasts me with these crazy ass world "leaders" who are put into place to do the bidding of the 'Shadow Masters' is, WHAT makes them feel so 'SAFE' turning their countries into such dangerous places?

Perhaps they're just too stupid, or suicidal? What makes them 'THINK' that their loved ones are safe from the clutches of malevolent invaders; perhaps they have 'NO LOVE' for 'ANYONE' including their own family?

View the embedded video presented by 'Black Pigeon Speaks' if you have time. It's about 14 minutes long; and, he speaks clearly and logically without fear of the consequences.

Presented by a 'NON' Non-profit (no government restrictions) movement to help promote individuals/orgs. who are deemed to be performing a worthy service to mankind by reporting, with 'sound' reasoning, logic and intelligence. Most profit from this blog is intended to be used to support and assist those content creators featured.

I think these leaders feel like they have no choice because they are trying to save their countries from economic collapse. It’s tragic because they are eventually going to collapse anyway.

Speaking of love, one quote that has stuck with me since watching the movie Troy several years ago is: “Father, you are a great king, because you love your country so much. Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every rock in the river... You love all of Troy.”

Imagine if world leaders and politicians today truly did love what they had dominion over.

The collapse will have been sped up as a result of their policies; they and their own children will be looking back in regret.

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