12 of the worse cities in America and why

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Although the Globalist controllers have used the two party system as yet another means to divide us, there is no denying the leftists tend to cave to their agenda while being terribly fooled and misled. That is not to say there aren't plenty of conservatives who have also sold out, it is impossible not to notice these places are all controlled by leftists. Sadly the people in these cities pay the price of what some thought was a helping hand, was actually a play to gain control, dependency, fear and reliance on a corrupt set of politicians highly motivated by greed and wealth promised to pad those politicians' pockets all while aiding the NWO agenda. This led to a breakdown in economies, crime and a feeling of hopelessness. Remember the "hope" thing from Obama? Sadly he gave no hope just as purported by the very people in his senate seat state. They were left asking, where was that hope and help he promised us? They were left worse off after his weak attempt and front at leadership. Yet those not living in those cities, but die hard Obama fans because they enjoyed the way he tickled their ears with his silver tongued words, still sing praises to him. After all, they don't have to experience this first hand. No need to bother themselves with the plight of people and actual facts when they have idealistic words like "hope" to simply talk about. They can sit high in their sanctimonious places of "speaking" about how they want to help as NONE of them nor these high paid politicians take in even one homeless or jobless person, nor minister to their actual needs. Even Obama couldn't open his door to them. My heart goes out to those affected from disasters and also those overcome by gang violence. Thank God President Trump understands what many of these politicians have done to these places as puppets of the NWO agenda with their main goal of eventually toppling our America. Potus has already made major moves to bring down the gang violence. He can't do it overnight, it takes patience to bring down this level of interwoven evil allowed to propagate during all those administrations. . .Bushes, Clinton and Obama. There is now an actual Plan in place, not just a word spoken intent on selling a book title, but an actual means of demolishing rather than spreading that evil. May God continue to use Good People to bring an end to this corruption and may God continue to bless and guide President Trump who has already made a dent in the MS-13 gang corruption! #EndNWOcorruptionSupportedByLeftists #MAGAtakesRoot

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