How South Africans will lose their guns

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

UN Guns For Steemit.jpeg

It’s time someone explains this to South Africans, because the people who should, clearly won’t. It’s simple really, we will lose our guns through doing what we as South Africans do so well - react vehemently to “threats” that are not real, while turning a blind eye to threats that are real. 

We are also in general absolutely frightened, downright fearful like scared children, of someone calling us “conspiracy theorists” for saying things that are controversial - even though they may be easily proved to be true. We are probably more scared of that as a nation, than being called “racist”, so that’s why nobody is telling you, OK? Truly pathetic.

The threat to your firearms is a Globalist one. It’s not fake Don Cele’s idea, it’s not Fikile Mbalula’s idea, it’s nobody in our government’s idea. Understand that. Accept it. Deal with it.

It is the idea of foreign, un-elected, undemocratic bureaucracies, filled with career bureaucrats, that we never consented to join. Sure, it will be a nice bonus for the government if we are disarmed when they start stealing our properties as they are promising, but that is not their reason. They will still do this, even if the ruling party throws EWC in the dustbin tomorrow. Get that into your heads! They are doing this all over the world - NOT only in SA

But enough ranting, read it and weep, and remember this when you lose your guns, OK? 

Advancing Disarmament within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

1. “For a long time, however, disarmament has largely slipped off the development agenda. This is despite overwhelming evidence that excessive arms accumulation diverts needed resources from development and fuels armed conflict and violence, leading to unnecessary death and suffering, social inequality and environmental degradation. Hence, the failure to establish effective disarmament and arms control systems is devastating to socioeconomic development, peace and security, and human well-being.

"The Secretary-General recognized this in his new Agenda for Disarmament, where he described “a vast potential” for disarmament activities to further advance our pursuit of development objectives. The Agenda, launched on 24 May 2018, offers new perspectives on better integrating disarmament and arms control into our work on other key international priorities, moving beyond our tendency to view this pressing matter through a narrow, isolated security lens. Instead, it encourages us to place disarmament and arms control within the scope of our work on sustainable development, conflict prevention and peacebuilding.”

2. “Through SDG target 16.4 on significantly reducing illicit arms flows, the 2030 Agenda explicitly reflects upon the importance of arms control in promoting peace, security and sustainable development, while placing disarmament and arms control within the scope of development policies.”

Just in case there somehow could still be doubt that we are in fact bound to these agreements, Also see “Zuma commits SA to Agenda 2030” 

- This was really a re-commitment, we were already committed to Agenda 21, and Local Agenda 21 since 1992 and 1998 respectively. This is a 100 year plan. Agenda 2030 is the same thing; it’s merely a target date by which certain aspects are expected to be completely implemented in all nations. 

The "coincidence" of all Minister of police reading the same script

The succession of SA police ministers driving a disarmament Agenda is no coincidence and one of the recent ones was honest enough to tell it to our faces, exactly the way it is:

“As we move forward, we want to disarm South Africa. We must silent guns by 2063…”

“In line with the Africa Agenda 2063 to reduce the flow of guns in Africa and ultimately silence the guns in Africa by 2020, the process of the Firearms Appeal Board will be fully supported.”

- Fikile Mbalula

…..and the gun rights groups didn’t blink

And the libtard media..?

Oh never mind! lol

Sure there was a lot of moaning about the threat once again against our rights to safety, but did anybody make any issue AT ALL about the FACT that this is clear treason? Nope. Of course not, because we handed in our spines long before our guns.

But make no mistake, whether the pro gun groups in the country, or you, want to take it seriously or not, if you don’t kill this snake by cutting off the head, it will still get you. 

No matter what. 

You can cry about it, you can call me a conspiracy theorist, you can jump up and down because the big bad man doesn’t listen to you - none of that will help. 

The big bad man doesn’t listen to you - That’s my whole point. 

The big bad man (who is sworn to listen to you) listens to the UN and AU - two bodies that we NEVER, as South Africans, consented to join, but who are reaching not only deep into our treasury, but also into our gun safes, and our kids's pants, and many other things

But carry on fighting symptoms instead of causes - it worked so well with e-tolls.

** EDITORS NOTE: I removed a sentence from the original post, about being banned from some Facebook page because it was brought to my attention that, true to form as I describe early on in this post - the inability of South Africans to target and then stay focused on what really is important/dangerous - someone wanted to know exactly where I was banned from. That was apparently the noteworthy thing to take from this post.

If the purpose of this post was to sling mud at people, I would have put the name there to begin with. I would think that to be glaringly obvious. I’m not doing this to sling mud, I’m doing this to knock some sense into people, wake them up out of their trance, and to get the information out (again). Most of the pro-gun groups do good work most of the time. Nobody did good work on this. It is a blog I should have written a long time ago. As much as the ball was dropped on this by ALL pro gun groups in the country - because they all read the statements made by ministers of police on gun grabbing. THEY ALL READ ALL OF THEM. They all saw that Mbalula statement - I will still work with any of them who show a true intent to take this seriously and understand the scope of the problem. So that’s why I’m not slinging mud. OK? If this kind of who-did-what-and-said-what-to-who-girlfriend-thing is your thing, then cool. It’s not my thing. My only point was that I really did try very hard to tell them this before. Many of them. It wasn’t taken seriously. Maybe if more people press them on the out-in-the-damn-open-evidence, they will take it seriously.

Now, Take a look at that whole editors note, and look at the amount of time we as a country spend on absolute bullshit. Nice isn’t it?

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