Putin Calls Kim Jong Un "Shrewd and Mature", Besting The USA On The International Stage

in #politics7 years ago


As has been mentioned before, as soon as Kim obtained the ability to deliver his nuclear ambitions to US soil via an unexpectedly advanced ballistic missile, all appetite for unseating him from his throne would cease. The threat of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is once again proven to be the only thing keeping humanity civilized thus far after all.

Having narrowly avoided a fate predicted by Sony Pictures' dictator assassination film The Interview, there is suddenly talk of peace and even Donald Trump has had to soften his war rhetoric.

If you listen to the mainstream media through - one that supposedly hates Trump's guts but only when it suits both parties - he was secretly being a genius and unbeknownst to anyone managed to secure peace between Koreas via voracious tweeting about blowing North Korea up.

Yup, tweets made over the course of a year are more important than the development of the first ballistic missile that can hit the US, which was unveiled mere weeks before peace talks. You can't make this crap up. Not that the mainstream media can afford to acknowledge that the US had been bested... but to claim victory from a clear defeat...

Whatever you think about Putin, he's a clever bugger who has outmaneuvered the US in Syria and Crimea and he does not bestow praise easily. Of Kim, he said that he was "shrewd and mature" and had won this battle against the US govt.

"I think that Mr. Kim Jong Un has obviously won this round. He has completed his strategic task: he has a nuclear weapon, he has missiles of global reach, up to 13,000 km, which can reach almost any point of the globe," Putin told Russian journalists.

"He is already a shrewd and mature politician," he added, noting that now that he had the safety of MAD, he was seeking to soften North Korea's relations with its neighbor.

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