Yugoslavia, rags to riches and then back to rags because inflation and an oil crisis.....

in #politics8 years ago

Yugoslavia the country that industrialized overnight but was then wiped out because of inflation.

Yugoslavia was third world before socialism.

and third world after but at least industrialized.
They started out great and were even able to defend themselves without the soviet union during ww2.
They became the 24th in GDP in Europe, after having a near last one.

They had a market socialist economy.

They self managed all businesses. They elected all supervisors needed for the business and did it democratically. They got what they produced as part of the business and none was taken by a boss as "profits". They operated far more efficiently and produced more. more about self management economy here.

The workplace democracy was built on Workers' councils.

Each worker is a member. Each member is a delegate that has an equal vote that can be changed at any time at will. This means that it is immune to power seizure as any vote can be changed instantly to stop this. A person can be voted as a head or supervisor of the workplace to help make it more efficient.

There are two types of socialism, socialism from above and socialism from below. This is an example of socialism from below where the workers get full power over what they produce. more about workers councils here.

The economy started to decline with the oil crisis

They had to limit oil use and had major inflation due to trying to buy enough to live. They had to limit it to "40 cans" of oil per car per day and only drive every other day.

Once inflation started outside businesses basically economically fucked the country.

Personal cheques were widely used, but since they had to be mailed in that led to a big problem. It was only deducted from their account once the bank got it. This could take months (because specific set of banks and from other countries) and the inflation brought it down to near 0 worth. This was abused heavily and this plus the increasing debt from the oil crisis led to an end for this country.

This all happened after they acted as a buffer state between the Nazis and the USSR.

During this time the life expectancy hit 72 years and literacy rate 90%.

This country was sadly not anarchist, but it was more libertarian. Almost every try to stop the inflation was blocked. They went into heavy debt and collapsed. They provided a great (and not so great) example of market socialism (if only they fixed the inflation).
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Image source:upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/2Million-Dinara-1989.jpg

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