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RE: Why Marxism Is Great In Theory But Dangerous In Reality

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

on top of that you did not cite any sources for any of your information, which is the making of a bad post based only on imaginations and no understanding of the topic whatsoever

You also used the informationwar tag, which I had not banned but it is run by reactionaries.


I respect your passion regarding this topic. I am happy to peacefully debate you on these issues. I have a history degree and I have travelled throughout the world, including a very long visit to Cuba. As a student I was a big fan of Marxism. I even was very active in Occupy Wall Street(Occupy Toronto) I realize that the strongest argument in favour of Marxism is that it has never really been implemented properly. All attempts at this have been thwarted due to the greed and corruption. I have read much of the Communist Manifesto and tempered that by reading much of the Gulag Archipelago.

As stated in the first part of my post, I think we both agree that more equality is needed in the world. There is clearly much good in what Marx wrote over 150 years ago.

For more context: I have run for office previously as an independent candidate on the major premise of fighting corruption and inefficiency. (I’ll send you a link if you wish) I will be happy to watch the video links that you sent. I will also be rereading this book from my shelf. image.jpg

The fact that you and I both have educated views and are politically active mean in a roundabout way that we are allies. The apathetic complainers of the world are the true unfortunate ones. Education (not state run indoctrination) and understanding are the ideals that I hold most sacred.

If everyone was as passionate about their beliefs as you are the world would be a much better and smarter place.
I look forward to reading more of your content.

you didnt read my other comments did you? Saying you are educated but making no argument, or ones without citations, does not lead me to believe you.

I did and I respect the passion that you have on the topic. As I stated before, as a teacher( I have taught students from kindergarten to college), a local organizer of food and clothing drives for the homeless and a volunteer who teaches English to newly arrived immigrants I think that I have bona fides to say that I (like you) am doing my part to help the poor, marginalized and disenfranchised people both locally and globally.

As to the specifics of your other points, they are acknowledged.

As a side note, it’s astonishing that after so long since Marx’s death, the debate over his work is still so passionately discussed.

I wish you peace and happiness.

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