
I don't live in China, dude.

I never said you did

Then why should I know or care about China's economic system.

America's is the best, that's the bottom line.

The best? We survive off of imperialism and produce essentially nothing ourselves.

By the best do you mean the best leaches? Because last I checked the form of capitalism china has at least produces stuff lmao.

Your ignorance of economics is absolutely staggering. Read a book, for Christ's sake.

Here: plain English even a commie can understand.

Basic neo-liberal economics?

How about you read das kapital- part one.

it has a bit under 600 pages. If you finish it, you can start on the others :)

No, just OBJECTIVE analysis. It's actually hilarious how retarded socialism can be.

can you even define socialism?

really? my books prove how capitalism must always collapse due to the internal contradictions within it.

"Your ignorance of economics is absolutely staggering. Read a book, for Christ's sake."

your the one who claims you don't have to learn about any economic system.

here is a nice list of dictators the United States has backed to secure resources. It also includes countries we have bombed and countries we have tried to assassinate leaders in.

hint: Its a lot

The book isn't about one economic system, dummy. It's about the universal principles of economics that apply to any economy.

let me guess, it thinks human nature is fixed?

you ever here of the internal contradictions of capital accumulation?


how about imperalism the highest stage of capitalism?
Hint: it can't be revisionist as you claim, it was written as it was happening.

karl marx was one of the founders of sociology.

Figures, sociology is bullshit.

yet he predicted much of modern society, hundreds of years later.

"Then why should I know or care about China's economic system."

So that you have a understanding of the world around you. Without that you are essentially nothing, just a useless person living in a bubble. Think about what happens if that bubble ever pops and you are forced to interact with a world you know nothing about.

Better to be useless than destructive. Nothing is more destructive than Communism. You commie bastard.

"Better to be useless than destructive. Nothing is more destructive than Communism. You commie bastard."

like how the ussr industrialised overnight and had a massive increase in lifespan. The lifespan took 20 years to reach ussr levels after it turned capitalist btw.

I think starting wars for profit and backing dictators is destructive. Let me guess, you don't?

Not if it serves the long-term goals of the country. The country exists to serve the people of the country, nobody else.

actually it exists to serve the ruling class of the country. Think about all the laws targeting homeless people and all of the anti-worker laws.

C'mon, fuck with me, bro. I'll tear your commie ass apart. You traitor.

"You traitor."

ironic, I'm not the one who lets 20 million die a year of poverty, starts wars killing millions, and lays down the laws to force the poor to give up the vast majority of what they produce to the rich or starve, all in the name of profit. I am not a traitor, that is you.

No, you're worse. Communism KILLS people, rather than let them starve.

Communism kills more than Nazism. You're worse than a Nazi. Fucking cockroach.

actually according to statistics capitalism kills 2.5 times as many people as capitalists claim communism have killed per capita. So we all know the real statistic is in the hundreds. Go move to Somalia if you love capitalism so much.

The communists defeated the nazis, they would be ruling the world right now without us.

Yeah, that's called cooking the books, or revisionist history.

You can't pull this crap on people, they're smarter than that.

You want people to try your grand experiment one more time? After Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc? Fuck no, you're insane.

We've had enough bloodshed over your retarded ideology. Turns out we prefer prosperity, too.

"Yeah, that's called cooking the books, or revisionist history."


let me guess, stalin ate all the grain himself?

here, point out where the population takes a massive dive due to stalin.

hint: you can't

"revisionist history."

like how you say stalin killed a million billion people?

but somehow 80% of people still voted to keep the USSR communist was faked even though it turned capitalist anyway against the will of the people?

A million billion is a quadrillion. There haven't existed that many humans.

Truly pathetic straw-man attempt.

By the way, North Koreans vote for Kim, so I guess they like it, right? Go move to North Korea, you fucking imbecile.

north korea is state capitalist, not communist.

Communism is where the workers control the means of production, like the local councils in the ussr which decided on nearly everything in day to day life.

That makes your argument a straw man. Looks like understanding other economic systems does help.

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