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RE: Freedom and healthcare

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

you disgust me, get off my posts. I will leave the autoflag on (assuming I did it correctly), for a few days. I will leave it on for longer and up the flag size for everytime I see you near my, or my friends, posts.

Info on a blockchain is forever.


for anybody else coming across this.

  1. The person I believe to the be the victim I know had serious injuries. I got this info from people I heavily trust.
  2. There are ongoing attempts to gaslight the person I believe to be the victim (observed myself).
  3. I have, on authority that I once again heavily trust, received information relating to the ban itself, and that, according to the sources, was due to this individual defending a known (and confessed) rapist to many people, including those victimised by her.
  4. Once asked to leave I see upvoting your own comments to the top, without even so much as voting on the post as harassment when the user has been asked to cease (distressing) contact multiple times over multiple platforms. It is one thing when conflict is completely over a difference of opinions and the clashing is debate, it is an entirely different when it is a harmful event such as this.

I will never know exactly what happened that night, especially with the amount of gas lighting going on. I have more information but hesitate to put it on a blockchain, especially when the person I believe to be the victim is being gas light to a massive extent, and I am afraid the truth has been lost forever because of that. (Putting them back in contact with a confessed rapist known for being manipulative assured that, intentional or not. This again I have on authority I trust.)

I have asked for contact to cease multiple times, if it does not I will stop it with the means I have available. If you disagree with the means and not my response to the event in question, then that is a problem with this platform, not me. Take it up with somebody who actually has power over that.
one of the examples of gas lighting and abuse

There is and was never any gas lighting whatsoever, and you can't say that you believe someone and also say they are lying at the same time. I also never said the things you claim I did. I'd be glad to show you the exact conversation and explain it, but I won't do it publicly.

I have posted proof of what I claim that is irrefutable, if you still think I've done terrible things, you're misled. I won't let you post lies and misinformation that slanders me without correcting the record. Sorry.

If I disgust you because you read a bunch of lies about me, then you're going to have to deal with it. I didn't do what you think I did and I'm tired of being harassed after going through a traumatic incident.

Imagine being a "communist" who dedicates themselves to harassing sexual assault victims on steem instead of actually looking into the details of the situation.

I'm open to talking if you want to be a mature adult, but if you're going to continue to harass sexual assault victims, then expect me to continue doing what I'm doing forever.

The ironic thing about all this is that you apparently hate me for rape apology? (I never did that, by the way). Yet you post things in defense of a person who attempted to rape me, while leading a harassment campaign against a sexual assault victim (me) without actually getting any factual understanding of the situation.

I hope you realize how evil you're being sooner, rather than later.

I was a member of the investigative team. You did absolutely try to defend a rapist, first with denial, then with omission, then with minimization. While we have no evidence you yourself participated in or witnessed a rape, your continued and emphatic defense of someone who has admitted to being a rapist and who has multiple confirmed victims doesn't endear you to anyone. Nor does your posturing denial and continued emotional manipulation.

I would like to remind you that what is said on the blockchain stays on the blockchain. Unless you want to have your lies exposed on permanent public record (rather than in a private text chat) you might want to pipe down on this. We caught you in the first place because of your inability to keep your story straight, remember.

My story has always been straight, I've never changed a single detail, and I wasn't defending anybody, I was asking questions about what they were saying because I was unaware of who Sofie was to begin with. I can understand why misinterpreted it, but to claim that asking a question is "defense" is absurd and untrue.

Again, constantly attacking sexual assault victims isn't a good look. Please stop doing this to me.

Looks to me like the best solution is to post chat history screenshots here - images are not kept on the blockchain, so s'all good!

I will soon enough since Anna continues the sexual assault victim harassment campaign, something will be done about her evil garbage soon enough.

If you want to help, I assume you're interested, feel free to hmu on discord Andrea#0462

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, no not at all, just casually passing by - Keep me outta these things, I know nothing =)

Lame. People who abuse innocents should be punished.

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