To get to power, you need to display absolute pettiness. To exercise power you need to show true greatness...

in #politics8 years ago

"When asked to explain the lack of great leaders in this world, Napoleon said, To get to power, you need to display absolute pettiness. To exercise power you need to show true greatness. Such pettiness and such greatness are rarely found in one human being." -- Jeff Bridges, The Contender

The irony is that Donald Trump is actually a democrat at heart and for true conservatives, his "bullying" crude behavior is mostly considered a standard leftist tactic. The difference was this time he switched sides and played for the other team to become their very own "finally someone who wrestles in the mud for us" champion. Much of the nastiest vitriol spewed this election was against Trump, while those same people would completely justify and often even praise everything the Clintons have done (# WithHerToTheEndNoMatterWhatSheDoes).

For those wondering "what do I tell my kids", start by answering another question first. Were you one of those parents who temporarily lost your "common sense" and thought it was okay to go around bullying, insulting, or blocking others for not agreeing with YOUR choice? Did you try listening to their reasons or frustrations? In school, were kids presented the opportunity to learn different points of view and decide on their own to agree or disagree without prejudice? Were they taught it's wrong for classmates or teachers to frighten, bully, beat up, suspend, or ostracize others for NOT showing support for Hillary? And YES, that was a REAL thing... just like in SOCIALIST NAZI Germany. If this seems outrageous to you, watch "The Wave":

Historically, most Hitler-types arise from extreme-left tickets under extreme statist policies where the only people who can have guns ARE the bullies. I believe Democrat Trump would have been a much more frightening ticket. With Trump as a Republican, the angry loud-mouth left will help keep him in check, versus repeatedly turning a blind eye as they so often do with their own candidates.

For those who still don't get it, it's pretty simple why Trump won. For many, the things he said never came close to all the things she's done. Not to mention, the more government takes, the poorer many people feel. Forget that "The juice ain't worth the squeeze." The squeeze keeps tightening, and there is no juice! The "war on poverty" and "wealth redistribution" has been going on for DECADES. Watching politicians take constant vacations, while eating off million dollar china, while raising their own salaries, while receiving the best healthcare plans, doesn't exactly make someone feel the current system is working for them. What we are witnessing is the collapse of crony SOCIALISM around the globe, with France and Germany next in line.

For now, the hope is that Trump can be a lot more accommodating than the left ever was, and apply his business acumen and skills of persuasion and negotiation to benefit all of us, and not for just a few law-breaking foundation donors and elites that are blindly followed without question.

As for breaking glass ceilings, by hiring Kellyanne Conway as his campaign manager, she is now the first woman to lead a winning presidential campaign in the United States (not to mention probably the most insane U.S. elections ever, with a deplorable candidate to boot). Now that's quite something too, isn't it?

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