Finally an Inside Look into the Depths of the Washington Political Swamp!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago

Cartoonist Ben Garrison makes some truly great cartoon art, and this one captures the "Deep State" of the Washington political scene pretty much to a tee:

What is the Deep State? It consists of the illuminati who control vast fortunes. It includes the central bankers, the Bilderbergs, the CFR, and the spy agencies that illegally track and record Americans. They want power and control through collectivism. It’s the beast that wants bring about the New World Order. It’s the creature that Eisenhower tried to warn us about. It’s the entity that took out Kennedy when he tried to stop them. Since then, we’ve had too many presidents who were elected under the tacit approval of the Deep State. The possible exception was Ronald Reagan, and he wasn’t the same after he was shot by Hinckley.

Snowden told us the Deep State was real and now there’s no doubt whatsoever. Even McCain complained President Trump was a threat to their New World Order. It’s not the stuff of tinfoil conspiracy—it’s real and it’s a threat to our Republic. Trump may be our last, best chance to drain the Deep State swamp.

Link: Ben Garrison Cartoons: Drain the Deep State Swamp

Ben Garrison has created many more great cartoons that capture the "zeitgeist of the day" in a highly unique and entertaining way. Definitely recommend taking some time to be entertained by more of his greats works on his blog: Ben Garrison Cartoons Blog

Are you not entertained, my friends?! :D

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