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RE: Political and economic ideologies are almost useless if not practiced

in #politics8 years ago

I don't like the idea of belonging to a political system either. I tend to view it like "shops" which sell ideological packages. Ideological packages are sold to the "thought-client" only as a package. These packages have some good parts and some bad parts that you have to buy together. It's like drinking water with some drops of ...poison in it. But given that the alternative "package" might seem worse a lot of people will instead prefer the poisoned water. In a sense all products seem problematic so you opt for the least problematic...

You have to dissect the systems => find the good parts => synthesize them => reject the bad parts => ask yourself whether such a synthesized system can be realistically applied as a whole or as some working system within the existing system => if the answer is no try to understand why => determine if this is something "fixable" => if yes then find the area that needs work => work on that area, etc etc.

In any case politics and economics (as theories/ideologies) are far less significant in life compared to one's purpose. What we want to do is far more important than the tools. We can debate all day about hammers and nails, but it won't make us that wooden desk or chair. You have to put the tools to work to get what you want.


imagine the havoc that will spread if everybody votes for the same thing but still has a political buffet in mind.

oh wait. this is exactly what is happening today

"You have to dissect the systems => find the good parts => "

Indeed. Understanding the underlying memes is crucial, because they infect everything above it. Things have to be reduced to their basics so that they can be understood. Modern capitalism, for example, is a machine that funnels the greatest amount of wealth as rapidly as possible to existing wealth. That is its purpose, and that is its result. It has no obligation to the greater good of humanity, of the planet, or even long-term benefits of the few. It is like pouring fertilizer onto a field. You get lots of green up fast, but whether that translates into a good harvest (fruits rather than foliage) or depletes the soil is uncared about. Again - its like burning a house to keep warm in winter. Understanding the mechanics of these memes is hard work, and even when you work it out, few will believe you. I can tell people until the cows come home that the idea of a single transcendent God has consequences X Y and Z for humanity, but they will ignore it. All I can do is to root out the memes in my own mind and throw the results of my thinking out there for others to hear. Some will land on stony ground.... (to quote the bible :)
What we have a shortage of today is people understanding the dominant culture and understanding its cognitive underpinnings, let alone anyone dedicated to changing those underpinnings to improve life generally.

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