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RE: The Social Justice Movement is Its Own Worst Enemy

in #politics7 years ago

Well, that is an interesting video. Kids today are too used to using word-salads to hide their cluelessness when asked to define what they can't be bothered to look into. I like the term 'trendy lemmings', btw. Oh, and you really should look into what some of these people who want holidays banned on the grounds of 'cultural appropriation' actually believe they are about. If I recall correctly, I once saw one where a young lady was easily led to believe (as a prank) that St. Patrick's day had something to do with black slavery... .


Cultural appropriation is on my list of topics to treat, where I will be focusing on the long term backfire that could result if that sort of segregational idiocy actually becomes a dominant factor in society. I hadn't considered the aspect of holidays being cultural appropriation, will have to look that up. Thanks for the input!

I got around to treating cultural appropriation, it might interest you! Horror on the Horizon - Cultural Misappropriation and The Politics of Oppression.

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