corporate shills and the failure to understand the social media era

in #politics7 years ago

Well i been listening to andywarski listening to a podcast with franny from mtv decoded. And i been having some interesting thoughts. here is the video in question by the way. i couldn't sadly find the link to frannyæs podcast they are listening too. But you may find it if you check their twitter i am sure

but back to my thoughts from listening to this
I get a feel that some of the so called social justice warrior youtubers aren't really sjw's. What they are at least initally are more corporate people told to jump on a trend. Now if you are doing research on a topic any topic, it's easy to find materials, studies that support it and so on. But doing it from this perspective is shallow. It's like the bible for instance do you know the bible by heart? do you understand the bible ? I doubt it.
What you likely do if you been given a christian upbringing is that you understand the the key notes.
the story of adam and eve, moses and his quest to free his people and return to istrael.
Jesus birth and jesus death. Key notes of the bible. does that cover everything about christianity?
doubt it it's a shallow understanding but it's good enough that you can be a christian.

Now why do i think that Franny is not a true sjw and more a corporate shill? It's based on her arguments that youtube is all about entertainment. Describing the idea of debates as some WWF wrestling event. Or that it's all about money with how much the ad apocalypse must be hurting their revenues and that is the reason the anti sjw crowd seems interested in wanting a discussion or as she seems to point it out. Correct me if you belive me wrong but it's clearly debates as a way to get more views to their channels. Which Andywarski himself says he is prepared to donate anything he gets to a charity. turn of adsense and superchat if that is what is requested. So at least in Andywarski's case the money argument goes out the window.

But let's say franny is correct that it's about the views and such a debate is for that.
Would such a open debate between andywarski and franny give andywarski more viewers? yes
would it give franny more viewers ? yes
and let's say it gives a nice little bump in revenue for them both it doesn't change this one fact.
youtube isn't tv
social media isn't tv.
yes views are nice it's how they make money but in the long run it's not about the viewers not really.
Trust me on this i work for a broadcasting channel is just now trying to go digitale and it's clear they don't really understand social media at all. For you see what is the true real constant with social media? it's subscribers, followers, what ever the platform calls it. That is where the money truly lays. Why do you ask?
Because suscribers go to those that gives them the content they desire.
subscribers pay money to those that gives them the content they desire.

For those who has been in the game you know that the internet isn't a kind place.
not really behind our aliases we are more honest why shouldn't we? through the net we can easier put words on those things we have issues with. To let our freaky flag fly.
Are there monsters among us? as jordan peterson would agree that yes there are monsters among us.
the internet makes it easier to show that part of us.

So to end this why do i think this is the case wtih franny from decoded?
It's based on the idea of views. a failure to understand who her audience is , i mean vidcon apparantly was a shock when she realised who her fans where.

conversely the true sjw's and the anti sjw's seems to have a better idea of who their subscribers are.
and well why for Franny it's a image issue based on views, based on the here and now.
the true sjw's argument for not talking with the anti-sjw's is ideological.

So am i entirely off base here? if so i would love to hear that
Ahrakeen out

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