Are They Calling You a Conspiracy Theorist? If Not, then You're Dumb!

in #politics3 years ago


Have you ever been bullied by western media or any journalist online or in person or by the masses who get their news from their preferred TV channel?

If you were subjected to their harassment, name-calling, especially labeling you as a 'conspiracy theorist' just for asking logical questions, then you're on the right path, of course, you can even question whether the Earth is flat but that's already proven not to be the case some hundreds of years ago, but you're still entitled to question, if you don't question everything that means you developed your brain to become the perfect container for their BS to fill in.

To prove it by example: Do you still believe CNN, Fox News, BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, and their like who promoted the war against Iraq and never bothered afterwards to keep on campaigning against the US and UK officials who lied to the world to justify their illegal invasion and destruction of that country? If you still get your news from these channels, especially in regards to news around the world, and precisely about news of US and its NATO allies need to intervene in countries in particularly in the Arab world, I'm sorry to break this for you but you're broken beyond repair.

Now apply this to every other news you're fed by the same propaganda arms of the empire and see what they are really hiding behind the big stories. There's no story they make it so big without hiding another story beneath it or at least taking advantage of it.

Image source: New Syria FB page

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