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RE: Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Update: Jesse Jackson and Actor Mark Ruffalo join protesters at roadblock.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This is a totally paid for protest that is specifically designed to protect Bill Gates investment in the Canadian National (CN) rail way and Warren Buffet's investment in the Burlington Northern (BNSF) rail way both of which transport mega barrels of oil from Canada to the US and contribute lots of $$ to Obama/Clinton Foundation, DNC etc...wake up libtards, you're being used!


I hear ya. The more attention this gets in the media the more likely it's being run by one of these George Soros foundation operatives.

Totally agree! The average libtard is completely unaware of the insidious Democrat donor corruption enriching the Clintons, Wall St and to keep the list short lets just lump the rest of the filth into the title of the the "establishment".

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