No More Sabres to Rattle

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


It's quite the sad yet delicious recent turn of events that has revealed the hypocrisy of Trump and his supporters. It's also revealing to see that this time it was the Republican who ran on the promise of peace only to go back on it. That's usually the Democrats' job. Through the lens of the old maxim about power corrupting, I would hope that Trump supporters are finally acknowledging that their "god-king" is nothing special in the world of Presidents, but rather just another slave to special interests and none more special than the military industrial complex. Sadly, many of them continue to make excuses for him and reveal that their support for him was not based on anything more righteous than their desire to preserve a nationalist tribal identity. It would be more comical if there weren't so many lives hanging in the balance.

Because Trump was able to tap into Americans' deepest insecurities, the loyalty he inspired was unique. Not only was he able to lie his way into office, but he had an army on the internet willing to repeat his lies without question. "We need Trump because Hillary will lead us into WWIII!" If any of the people spouting this nonsense actually cared about peace, they would have been engaged in anti-war activism long before Trump. There is even more proof that the majority of them don't care about peace in how they have responded to Trump's "tough talk" on Venezuela and North Korea and striking Syria: "It's a good thing we have Trump to lead us into WWIII!" Just as Obama supporters were essentially willing to let Obama extend the war on terror longer and more viciously than Bush would have and keep killing children with drone strikes in exchange for the promise of government healthcare, Trump supporters made an even worse deal. They were willing to trade "WWIII" for nothing more than national pride.

Before I get any further, an important caveat: I don't think WWIII is imminent, in fact I'm more inclined to believe that in the age of the internet, it's impossible. So while I'm using the term "WWIII" here, it's somewhat tongue-in-cheek because it's the term that Trump supporters used to scare libertarians away from Gary Johnson. The reality of the threat from government now is not a world war, but the continued proxy wars and occupations and limited operations that currently comprise the global war on terror. Of course you could call this a world war, but if so, it pales in comparison to the destructiveness of the last two, and if you call it that, where were you when Bush was starting it? What I'm getting at here is that the reason Trump and Clinton were both terrible options for President is that they would both be slaves to the military welfare queens who manipulate politics in order to enrich themselves off of as much violence as the American people will put up with as long as they keep paying their taxes.

So back to the idea of power corrupting. I would say that being "Commander-In-Chief" of the greatest mechanism of violence the world has ever known is a lot of power. The sad thing is, the President himself doesn't have to be corrupted to be a mechanism for corruption. Even a President, like Kennedy, taking office with the best of intentions is subject to ... well ... you know the story.

It's childishly naive to think that we can ignore the advice of the American founders to rely upon our militias and avoid having a standing army. The existence of a standing army makes us all less safe. It makes the American people slaves. It leaves us vulnerable to the predatory government over which Donald Trump now presides. The answer to this issue, and the greatest single thing we could do to restore American principles in practice is quite simple: abolish the United States military. No more sabres to rattle, and none to cut down your freedom.

I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. I am currently on my #TaxationIsTheft tour! You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


Virginia's Declaration of Rights, written well before the US Constitution, makes it very clear in Section 13:

That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

Standing armies are one of liberty's worst threats. There is no need for one unless the government intends to do harm to other nations and/or their own people.

I recently posted about it, but the primary reason militias work best is because they are local. The closer the security force is to the people it protects, the less corruptible it is to outside influences.

It is the same principle for governance. Communities, neighbors, and families govern themselves best. They understand each other the most, and they love and care for each other.


@adamkokesh, I am introducing the Liberty Professionals initiative to Steemit. Myself and others believe this is the perfect platform to launch it. You are a Liberty Professional. There are many of us here. Unless we are mistaken, no initiative currently exists for it either.

The idea is simple enough, and it is entirely voluntary. We will use the tag until communities are created, and some people have started to use badges designed by @grow-pro. There are no bots, nothing to sign up for, and absolutely no tricks.

We will simply network together, build our followers with liberty lovers, and support other liberty lovers with resteems, upvotes, and assistance on and off Steemit as much as possible. Everyone involved will benefit greatly.

I've asked @firepower to make us a #libertyprofessionals channel on as well. Hopefully, this is something yourself and other liberty rock stars here will support. Please let me know what you think about the idea! Based on your objectives and desire for a wide base of liberty lovers, I believe you'll see the value of it.

have you heard about Judge Anna?

@adamkokesh please accept this #LibertyProfessionals Badge for your contribution to FREEDOM. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all who stand for liberty.

well, first of all,
Donald is already praising himself for getting Kim Jung Un to back down

there are a lot of very unbiased reports about it on fox news (thoroughly clearing throat here)
so i guess we really should not be expecting anything major happening because the crazy power hungry dictator finally realized the other crazy power hungry dictator was crazier.

and I truely do not think Trump is a Republican, just because he ran for the GOP. I mean he used to be a democrat and now he has proven himself just to be a Trumpian. And a Trumpian would never abolish the Army, because he needs all the lobbyists behind that big machine (including the NRA) to support what little power he still has left

On top of it all he has now decided to crack down on cryptocurrencies :

its a sad time to be an American and in these times I am glad to admit I live in Europe

Strength to the american people who are suffering


Ambos lideres no se pueden comparar

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