Only a statist would object to dissolving the federal government

in #politics7 years ago

Want to help me finally free America from the federal government?

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Video won't play on my end. Not sure about everyone else. But as per the title (I am guessing this is sort of an attention grabber, and not your real sentiment?) I would like to pose a question or two:

If someone proposes murdering everyone in DC--men, women, and children--to "dissolve the fed," and someone is opposed to that, are they, as per the reasoning in the title, automatically a "statist"?

What if, in a much less extreme case, for some other reason, someone opposes your particular approach/platform for dissolution? Are they automatically a "statist"?

No, this is a direct title. But what does murdering people have to do with dissolving the fed?!? If you're suggesting that killing people is ok, you might not be a statist, but you're definitely not a libertarian!

Not what I was saying at all, and you know this, but am not surprised by response.

hey. How's the weather today in Japan? Any anarcho activity in Tokyo? Osaka? Let us all know.

Weather's great. Can only watch it on TV though from the Zionazi bunker!

not the case, fuzzyPillowBoy. It appears quite obvious you can do lots of damage to AK's efforts from your "bunker" (regardless of your motivation).

Oh, the irony of what has transpired this past 24 hours. AK might have actually made the case on an empirical level which you and Rose (and I think D. Broze) have been putting forth... and which interestingly enough, Jeff Berwick rebuked.

stupid, pompous anarchos. all over the map. No wonder the lovely Lauren Southern gets noticeably ill around y'all.

It's a valid question. I have no desire to try and dissolve the federal government, and a president doesn't even have that power. Am I a statist too?

cryptocurrency will solve the problem on statist mindset of an oligarch, and we gonna have a decentralized and trustless society; corruption-free world and transparency into the highest level. :)

This is one of the reasons the government doesn't like cryptocurrency, the just wanted to enslave people, I just wish God help you guys to regain your freedom from the government


This word is a dream to my homeland aswell. I have heard of the word freedom since I was born. Living in conflict zone and waiting for the free morning is a dream🌼

PS: can I get the free signed copy? ;)

What is your homeland?

Its Kashmir - The Paradise ❤

Kokesh... How do you do it? She's probably a professional belly dancer!

won't play. Watching DTube is like having spider webs in your computer. AK, please post the YT channel link. I'm ready for enjoying "Round 2" with you and Larken Rosenstein..... Anyone else?

I can't wait until all this stuff comes up in the future:
4 great prospects of a kokesh presidency - jpg.JPG

...especially with this latest False Flag attack in Syria and the Trumptard reaction.

I won't turn down an invitation to debate Larken, but can't we find someone more interesting? The real debate should be between libertarians and statists, not between libertarians and hatertarians.

Are you talking about "minarchists" when you say statists in this context? I'll take you on... Have Ted Brown, LP-CA Chairman moderate. And you know I am not against AnarchoVol'ism but I do have righteous concerns which have me presently desiring cops, courts and clerks in the end game of "localization". That which happened to you with your Homestead regarding the zoningNazis, and what took place yesterday with Lily-de-vine and the Mexican military surrounding their home in Acapulco requires me to push ostrich aside.............. and implore we put into place:

I might even favor some sort of appellate court hierarchy within national borders, too. ...which is why I LOVE your "Split 50!" program, NOT being a gradual implementation. It forces America to grapple with all of this simultaneously, where it can't be hijacked or diluted... and the MSM won't be able to distract anyone away from this peaceful revolution. 50 national experiments with 3,141 local/county experiments... with countless cities, villages, and towns dealing with your book's prescriptions, as well. Libertopia has to emerge from that action!!! They can't all fail. Too much "Wack-a-mole" for commie/nazi infiltrators to effectively shut a "project" down (as we see in NH)

And on the bigger pic level: I am not sure any society can last too long as long as currency counterfeiters are permitted to thrive. It is a cancer that might need harsh coercion to rid the national body of it BEFORE it sets in. Can anarchos do that? How?

Now, if you are talking about flaming GOP and Dem statists???? Once they watch a few of your vids showing off your sales ability, they will never step into a debate ring with you. ...especially the "conservatives" who KNOW they should know better regarding some of the garbage they espouse. This is why I am so high on getting enough of the "Freedom!" books into American's eyes and ears to cause your appearance on the national debate stage in 2020. Better than Perot ever dreamed it could be. We have the internet now!!!

Larken isn't a "hatertarian". I believe he is compromised by his past IRS dealings. Me thinks he protesteth too much. WAY overreacting to your effort. He might even be a zionazi infiltrator like kafka84. Who knows? The LP has had it's share of them during the 47 year reign of loserdom... helping wreck it from the inside. It's really sad Rothbard isn't around to watch your flight. He would get to watch you and Ken O'Keefe have a beer or three and discuss all this.

He might even be a zionazi infiltrator like kafka84.

Oh, the characters in this thread. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. This is too fucking funny man. I didn't realize I was that!

No you're not. What is it with those statist.

edit probably can not imagine that there are principled voluntaryist that want absolute nothing to do with the state in any form....had to laugh though.

Yes....I've seen that before.
I still don't see why principled voluntaryist who stay out of the political process, and ask questions, should be called "zionazi".

The kind of argument : If you're not with us, you are with the enemy (or something like that) makes no sense, there are other ways.

No one has any issue with an A/V who wants to be like the Amish....and out of the political process. Just stop riding the folks like Kokesh who are using this PEACEFUL process to spread your word, and possibly position himself to reduce the size and influence of government wherever he campaigns and promotes his book, simultaneously. Stop acting so moronic. Would you rather it get so bad around the USSA that we'll be facing the "Hunger Games"?

I don't use the word "zionazi" any longer. TalmudThumpers are the problem. They cause a society to accept COUNTERFEITING CURRENCY as morally fine. Zionism is simply a political offshoot of their racist-supremicist foundation. I don't waste time hacking at branches. We need to unearth the roots and let them dry out in the daylight sun.


Thanks for share it. its known to needed every American People.
am i right sir ?

Excellent video. Dtube does sometimes what youtube would do. When it acts like it won't play - I pause it to let it buffer and come back to it in a few minutes or so.. that's always worked so far.

its the backend. they are working onit

Imagine Trump having to deal with this presentation on the debate stage. THAT will be enjoyable. Ok... so why has the program to get your "Freedom!" book out there stalled in New Orleans? And what the frig is up with NY Libertarians? Does ANYONE there want your presence at the upcoming convention? Do we have your campaign coordinator here in Michigan? Who is he? Can we have his email address, please.

He is low man on totem pole as far as the Libertarians are concerned. Just look up their site and you can get a look at the list.

well. When one considers the morbid level of performance of the LP for 47 years in its existence, I shall posit that it's time to burn that totem pole and erect a new one.

That's not how it works. You have to have a reasonably sound platform, he needs to sit down and write down the steps he will take as president. He can't dissolve himself because once he does the system in place can automatically replace him. He has to start with dissolving congress, set up the new monetary system which will allow him to pay for the dissolution, start with calling the military back to prevent anarchy by allowing states to set up defenses against opposition and any thoughts by foreign governments of intervention/invasion during the transition, list the departments that can immediately be dissolved, name the ones like the VA and SS that will be integrated into the new monetary system and if those programs will slowly be dissolved overtime until those people are deceased....with the last objective of turning the lights out at the white house dissolving the presidency. He can't just stand up there and ramble off stuff off the top of his head without a laid out plan that becomes null and void as soon as he dissolves himself with congress still intact. Then maybe someone will take him seriously otherwise those within the Libertarian party are going to vote for someone else as their candidate.

AK and Judge Andrew Napolitano can hash out the details. RELAX, fool. It's only 2018. Plus we have Patrick Smith for Governor, acting as an Adam Klone in Texas, so we can see how the independent minded folks of the Lone Star, respond to him in the next few months... and play our hand by what we learned, hence.

Then maybe someone will take him seriously otherwise those within the Libertarian party are going to vote for someone else as their candidate.<<<

S F W? So he runs NPA - No Party Affiliation in 2020. We'll know whether or not the LP will "Weld" us again by the delgate count lined up in '19. Plenty of time to organize the data base attained from distributing "Freedom!" all over the map in the next 18-24 mos.

Adam's only real competition would come from Rand Paul jumping from the GOP ship... perhaps Justin Amash or Thomas Massie... or from pure celeb standpoint, John Stossell along with his sidekick, Kennedy" throwing their hats in the ring. Perhaps Judge Nap. Otherwise, WHO are you thinking could steal the nomination from AK?

There's some within the party who are starting a funding campaign to bring focus to a women named Laura Ebke, she is a Libertarian state senator for Nebraska, so I am assuming they like the fact she brings some government experience into the game, Justine Amash they claim would probably win 95% of the convention nomination if he jumped over to the Libertarian ticket, a guy name Larry Sharpe from NY is another they are watching as a potential but he's currently running for office in NY so that may conflict with running on the presidential ticket for the Libertarians...but if he wins it's definitely someone they want to look at in the future....I think because he would bring with him more minorities into the party, other names they are excited about are Jesse Ventura, probably because he has experience and exposure on a national level, and two other guys, Bill Weld and Austin Peterson....Johnson said he'd not interested in another run.

Bring it, bitch!!!! None of them have Adam's "Split 50!" campaign insight. ...not to say any of them can't pilfer it, if they so choose. Adam just needs to continue what he started with his "Big Easy" book distribution act and no one will touch him. Amash isn't going to jump ship. He's got it too good in the GOP. And believe me, he doesn't want to be forced to deal with some of the LP baggage; he is a Constitutionalist... which does leave room for Prohibtions here and there. And taxation.

Again, Adam's only threat would come from a combo of John Stossel and Kennedy. Jesse Ventura is not a libertarian. Adam and he have a debate on YT. Pretty good action, actually.

But keep playing. Sooner or later you might come up with your magic bullet.

None of it's worth getting that excited over.

Federal State would be detrimental to income and time.
In the Federation there are many government organs, which propagate at a huge cost. Folding the duplicate organizations, personnel and equipment also requires large expenses in the federal system. In addition, multiply the engine of Government due to delays in the completion of an important national issue.
Salam kenal Mr. @adam kokesh.
Survivors fight for freedom the world community.
I resteem 😃.

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