What I learned in 2017

in #politics7 years ago


What I learned in 2017

This is an Opinion Piece

2017 was a very strange year for me. I always look backwards. It is where my memories are. It is where the lessons are.

I have always been an honest and fair guy and I hold myself to a very high standard. My word is my bond. I have never been religious. I don't like religions. Having a good soul is far more important to me.
Got that out of the way.
Okay. Now you know a bit about where I am coming from.


What I learned from the Antifa movement.

First: It's okay to lie. The Antifa people take the name Anti Fascist. This is so far from the truth of what they are. They are the fascists masquerading as the opposite of what they are. A lie!
Second: It is okay to use violence to get what you want. If you disagree with them it is okay to use violence against the people that carry a different opinion.
Third: It's okay to cover your face to avoid prosecution by law enforcement. This is what common burglars and thugs do. This fact alone makes make me think the Antifa movement is just a bunch of cowards that like to cause violence but don't want to take responsibility for their actions.

What I learned from Islam.
Islam is just another religion like all the rest. They say they are a religion of peace, yet it is quite okay to kill gay people. It is okay to kill women whose husbands are the ones guilty of adultery and by stoning them to death, no less!
They believe that their religion is the only religion in the entire world and therefore they should be able to do anything they want in any country they want and it is okay because they don't have to follow the same laws as the rest of us.
It is okay to use the Islamic religion to kill people you disagree with or that don't hold the same opinions as you. Just steal a truck and run into a crowd of people in the hope you can kill as many "infidels" as possible.
Then there is M103 in Canada. A motion against Islamophobia, written by a Muslim that does not define what Islamophobia actually is. Canada already has anti hate laws - a lot of them, so why single out Muslims unless it is going to lead to something else....like Sharia creep.
Like most other religions, Islam is hypocritical and corrupt.

What I learned from Politics.
In the US, Democrats as totally insane. You cannot believe anything they say. They flip flop depending on how much power they hold. 5 years ago they wanted a wall, but now the GOP is in power they condemn a wall. The Democratic party is the most corrupt party in the US. They fabricate stories and even evidence to achieve their own goals.
The Clintons are the most corrupt of the Dems. If they were in private business doing what they have done, they would all be in jail.
In the next federal election in 2020, the Dems will be almost entirely wiped out due to their own stupidity and vindictiveness.

Justin Trudeau is an idiot, a non thinker, a liar, a thief, a globalist puppet. He has made himself and Canada the laughing stock of world politics. He has allowed thousands of immigrants to simply walk over the border, illegally,(from the US) and consume my tax dollars. He has been found guilty by the Ethics Commissioner (The only PM in Canadian history to be found guilty) for burning up over $200,000 for a fun filled vacation for him and his family plus a few guests and he doesn't think he needs to repay his theft, let alone face any justice at all.

The UN
The UN has outlived its usefulness. It should be disbanded, all property sold and criminal charges laid.
When you have Saudi Arabia heading up the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) you know something is fucked up!
We are already being pushed into a new world order and this move is part of the plan.
For all the good these large world spanning organizations do, they do far more harm. They have all become corrupt. All of them.

What I learned about the News Media

The news media is no longer about news. They now say any lie and mistruth to control the way we think. They have become politicized and weaponized. They cannot be trusted. None of them. Truth is vanishing.

What I learned about Gender Identity

There are only two genders, male and female. If you put your hands in you underwear and can grab your balls, you are male, otherwise you are female.
I do accept the fact that we have many differences in our DNA that can result in all kinds of permutations.

Humans, as well as some other organisms, can have a chromosomal arrangement that is contrary to their phenotypic sex; for example, XX males or XY females (see androgen insensitivity syndrome). Additionally, an abnormal number of sexchromosomes (aneuploidy) may be present, such as Turner’s syndrome, in which a single X chromosome is present, and Klinefelter’s syndrome, in which two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome are present, XYY syndrome and XXYY syndrome. Other less common chromosomal arrangements include: triple X syndrome, 48, XXXX, and 49, XXXXX.

What I have learned is that I am now required by law to address and remember some 30 or more different gender pronouns.

Here are some you may come across.

They, them, theirs (Xena ate their food because they were hungry.) This is a pretty common gender-neutral pronoun. ...
Ze, hir (Xena ate hir food because ze was hungry.) Ze is pronounced like zee can also be spelled zie or xe, and replaces she/he/they. ...

Are you kidding me? I don't have time to memorize lists of bullshit.

In Canada they are thinking of dividing the inmates by gender identity.
Can you imagine the insanity that would ensue?

My Conclusions

So it seems we are in a period of upheaval. The minorities of the world are starting to rule the majorities of the world and it is becoming very confusing. If we take our lessons from the above , then it is okay to Lie, Cheat, Steal, Murder or Maim people that don't agree with you, and basically fuck people up. It is also okay to think of yourself as anything or any gender Identity you want to be, which is okay if you believe it, but you also expect the rest of the world to believe it. Well, that must be a form of insanity, at least in my world.

I'm done and I am outta here.




politics for people.
its a great job dear
i appricate politics
carry on

Thanks, I will!

Everyones insane, the whole damn world! Best we can do is live our truth, stop participating.

Yes. Every once in a while I have to detoxify myself of all this madness!

This post has received gratitude of 5.38 % from @appreciator thanks to: @acwood.

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