Have The US Voters Been Suckered?

in #politics3 years ago (edited)


This is an Opinion Piece

You have been deceived!

During the 2020 elections there was a lot of shenanigans going on in the vote counting. Well, so be it.
The Dems won the election and people seemed happy that Trump was finally out of the picture.

But hold on a minute!
Let's look at what happened after Biden became President.

On day one Biden killed the keystone XL pipeline. Thousands of jobs were lost in both the US and Canada.
Then he stopped fracking on Federal lands. Because of this, the US lost its energy independence.
From a logical point of view this appears as an insane move.
Consider this; What make a nation great? What makes a nation wealthy?
Energy! Nations run on energy. Without energy you have a poor country.
Every country in the world needs energy to lift its citizens out of poverty. Why do you think China is building hundreds of coal powered plants to produce electricity?
Gas prices are soaring across the US. Now Biden is talking about closing line 5 which, not only is this a working pipeline, It also supplies parts of Eastern Canada.
Why would he do this? It goes far deeper than most people realize. Gas prices are going to rise and unfortunately so is the cost of everything!
Who will this affect the most. Mostly, it will affect the older people and the poor. The wealthier you are the less of an affect. Does this seem right to you? The US government is betraying its own citizens!
As we progress into 2022 the prices will continue to rise. The 1.7 trillion dollar bill that just passed won't help the situation improve. The 550 billion dollars for infrastructure part is needed, no doubt about that and it will create many jobs once it is implemented.
But, inflation will keep rising and supply chain issues will continue into 2022 and possibly beyond.

At first I didn't understand why any government would make so many disastrously bad decisions. After thinking on this for a long time I think I have reached a conclusion. The most obvious is the current administration doesn't really care about its own citizens, however, I think it goes well beyond just that.

I now believe this is exactly what they want, but why?

They want to transform the US into a "Green Energy" economy. They will not succeed. They want it to happen too fast and renewable energy cannot be sustained over a long period of time.

I think most people want to protect the Earth, I know I do. The timing and positioning of this Green Energy farce is all backwards. The US administration is forcing this upon their citizens by increasing prices on everything and making the middle class and lower class poorer until they are just the servants to government, good for only paying taxes.

Do you realize this is not what people want. Given the choice of being wealthy or poor which would you choose?

To sum this up the US could become a socialist government unless you act now. Everything that makes the US great will soon be replaced by the "Do as I say, not as I do." mentality.

You are being taken for a ride that is going to end in a huge fiery crash!

God help the US!

Comments welcome.

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