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RE: The Constitution of the Libertarian Social Democratic Republic

in #politics7 years ago

Most people don't understand the definition of Globalist. One explained it to me. They believe in corporate installed Oligarchies over nation-states. Our constitution is just fine it hasn't been followed for a LONG LONG time. Up until the seventies most businesses were locally owned. Money stayed in the community. We gave up our Republic when we allowed a central bank. It is unconstitutional for a private banking institution to issue our currency. The founders understood this. Jefferson said if the American people ever allow their economy to be controlled through inflation and deflation the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive them all property until they wake up homeless on the continent their forefathers conquered. Banking institutions are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies. That is paraphrased but the gist of what he said.
You can't claim to be a Libertarian when you want to take from one group to give it to another in the name of "equality" If our constitution were followed not what it has morphed into today we'd be just fine. For one we wouldn't need millions of people to keep the socialist theme going.

Vote with a smart phone app? What if you don't have one. You should have to prove you are a citizen. I appreciate you thinking about this but I would not ratify this. It is Socialism. It has never ever ever worked for a reason. It always becomes an Oligarchy just like what we have now. The founders knew this and we have ignored their warnings and we are paying the price for it now. People are ignorant to what is coming. Let me put it this way, our founders also knew central banking cycles were never meant to last forever. We should be united behind one thing right now and it is auditing the Federal Reserve.


I know where you're coming from. I've just moved passed that point. I disagree with it.

If this is socialism, the founding fathers were socialist. Thomas Paine advocated the land value tax and social dividend. (Cf. Thomas Paine, "Agrarian Justice") Thomas Jefferson advocated progressive taxation in order to ensure widespread distribution of wealth. Benjamin Franklin advocated profit sharing for similar reasons. And most of the founding fathers were not opposed to a central bank. That's why Alexander Hamilton got his way on finance back then. The founding fathers would find conservatism and modern "libertarianism" appalling.

As for liberty, there's two kinds, freedom FROM and freedom TO. It does you no good to be free from external coercion if circumstances beyond your control prevent you from being able to exercise your freedom. Look up "dialectical libertarianism."

Also, see my post here, which shows that my ideas are rooted in the founding fathers:

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