Stop Being Told What You Can And Can't Do! Make Decisions For Yourself And Experience The Consequences (Live and Let Live)

in #politics8 years ago

Fear is no excuse for restricting freedom

People today seem afraid of everything. Americans greatly overestimate the 'dangers' of life and too often let the government make decisions for them. Here in New Jersey, when a person obtains their driver's license, they have to deal with strict regulations that are put in place "for your own safety" according to the state. These regulations include prohibiting drivers from carrying more than one passenger in their first year of driving, requiring orange stickers to be put on the license plates so that police can identify them, and prohibiting driving at night. People fail to realize that there is risk in everyday life, and that it should be up to each individual to determine how much risk they are willing to expose themselves to.

Personally I believe that although it is slightly more dangerous to drive with two passengers in my car, the rewarding experience outweighs the risk. Some would argue that this is not just about me. The passengers matter as well. I completely agree with this. Passengers can decide not to go in the car because it is too dangerous for them. Many laws are made to restrict the freedom of an individual to choose what he wants in life and this is wrong. In many states in the U.S., riders of motorcycles are required to wear helmets. Not wearing a helmet is a foolish decision with consequences. However, there is no need for the state to hire people in uniforms to force their  agenda on motorcycle riders and force them to wear helmets. If they choose not to, they are more likely to die. I'm sure that that consequence is good enough.

Individual rights are undervalued in today's society

Another example of the state infringing upon people's rights is the war on drugs. Drug use is a natural right that all humans should have. Just because I choose not to use drugs does not mean that I can stop my neighbor from using them. In the same way that the state should not be able to restrict what foods I eat and in what quantities, they should not be able to outlaw drug use. Many drugs are illegal in the United States simply because the government does not like the people who profit from them. The government claims that drugs cause violence, gangs and cartels. If it was left up to a free market, none of these problems would exist. People could buy drugs in a legal way and the gangs and cartels would no longer be needed.

I believe that all humans have the right to do whatever they choose as long as their choices do not infringe upon the rights of another. For example, I believe that a murderer should be punished, but I do not believe that a drug user should be. Gun control is another issue. Taking away guns from good people "because they are dangerous" is like taking away cars from people. They say guns are used to kill people in mass shootings, so they should be taken away, but I have not yet heard about taking away people's rights to own trucks. After all, a terrorist attack in France killed dozens when a truck was driven through a crowded street crushing people.

Why am I a Libertarian?


This is all just my opinion, but I believe that I have no right to stop others from living their lives the way they choose, and likewise, I can live how I want. Live and let live.

For those who share these values, I would suggest looking into the Libertarian party. The beliefs are very interesting even if you don't completely agree. Here is the beginning of the platform. Hopefully we can agree that it sounds better than the two main parties supporting Clinton and Trump.

"Libertarians seek a world of liberty, in which individuals control their own lives, and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.We believe that respect for individual rights is essential for a peaceful, prosperous world. Consequently, we defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings."

If anyone agrees or disagrees with my reasoning share your opinion in the comments! 

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--Aaron Burt


Is the porcupine really the Libertarian animal?!!! I am a Libertarian who loves porcupines. My excitement is inexplicably intense. :)

It is the official animal of the party! I think its fitting for the libertarian ideals


Great post, my friend

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