Is your family divided over politics? Have friends turned their back on you because you voted for Trump?

in #politicaldivide6 years ago (edited)

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Hearing a lot of stories about friends and family who are hateful because of political standing. Trump didn't do this, he exposed the true character of many. Now it has banded together a whole new group of people. People who are awake and see the truth!

Some people will mock, criticize, judge and tear down if you don't believe the way they do. If they can't bully you into compliance they're done with you. Their care is conditional. Sometimes family is only in name and that's okay. We all know some friends come and go. The truth is. . .God gives you the people to surround you who will truly be there for you! Thanking God for the miracles He has worked and continues to work. Thankful to be on the side of Good with all the caring patriots we have found! Proud to be working with those propelling our country in the right direction. Let's continue to end corruption and Save the Children!

We do have a right to our beliefs in the same manner we support their rights for their beliefs. What happened to, "we agree to disagree?" You will never agree with another person 100% and if you pretend to, sooner or later, they will find out you're a fraud😉. That or you'll get exhausted from putting up the charade🙂 People should be themselves and just acknowledge differences. Bitterness and hatred will just eat them alive!

I love what Genesis 50:20 says and God keeps reminding me,
But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

This is a great song because it brings you right back to what's really important if you have this happening in your life. God bless you and don't get discouraged. We see you out there and we understand! There are people willing to step in and support you in a common goal. . .love one another for who they are and it's absolutely okay to disagree. God didn't say Love their beliefs, no love them! God is love, satan is hate. Don't give up and don't get discouraged fine Patriots. God has a purpose for you. He never said it would be easy, so just keep #FightingTheGoodFight I promise, other Patriots have your back! No conditions if you are on the side of Good, you are needed!

Here is a song that focuses on the importance of what we really have. This father son duo from Britain's Got Talent wrote this song and it is excellent!

How about you? What have you experienced or what are your thoughts on this topic?

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