Watch "Under the Radar: Stacy King Edition" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago

How our Cultural Revolution works.

Our conservative and left political parties are now basically full on sociopaths that are fundamentally interested in only power and money.

All of them now are Generational and Career Politicians.

We are so proud of them, Billy "the feelings" Shorten, Malcolm "the bankster" Turnbull, Nancy "Leader" Pelosi, Justine "the feminist Trudeau, Jeremy "the caliph" Corbyn, Mama Merkel, Teresa "its about me" May, Sammy "the religion of peace" Dastyari, "etc , etc all total sociopaths.

What is required to achieve our goals so it costs us nothing, exploiting and transfering the wealth from the working and middle class. Our useful idiots whose motto is "to do or die" or "please dont think do".

How do we do it, distract then divide and conquer the working and middle class to the point that we have created an environment of fear and desperation so they are totally dependant on the government and our technocrats.

What is our favourite weapon, Islam, the most powerful religion and political system in the world, our ultimate feudalistic system. After that identity politics, political correctness, gender diversity, hate speech, mass immigration, etc. See video... lol.

What is our favourite form of government, certainly not democracy, but, feudalism, we just want the useful idiots to think that. So how do we solve this problem, we get our Red Guards in the Press to convince the useful idiots that they live in the best democratic country in the world and they should only vote for 2 parties which we control totally.

And eventually with the tools of cultural marxism we will have our socialist utopian calaphate with

  1. Cheapest labour in the world for our Globalist friends
  2. As many voters the left want to think that will give them power
  3. The complete destruction of any group that threatens our power structure, and the first group we will eliminate will be white racist, supremacists men.


Victim culture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative

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