Watch "Jordan Peterson: Marxism is Partly TRUE" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago


This capitalist roader finally admits the truth.

Our Cultural Maxism premise is correct, it is the White Male Racist Nazi Capitalists and definitely not our psychpathic elites and politicians who just want absolute power and wealth (eg not George Soros) that have been responsible for the oppression and victimisation of all the people of the world.

Very soon our utopian socialists calaphate will be implemented and all the perptrators, I mean white men will be exterminated for their hate and thought crimes of racism, sexism, the paternity, colonialism and genocide.

I would like to thank our new FEELINGS political leaders Billy and Richard from our 2 cultural maxist power bases the ALP And our Greens Red Guards for their help in removing the plague of whitesness from our society. I would be remise not to give our PM Malcolm Turnbull who is a great fan of totalitarianism a special mention.

Victimculture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative



nice vidio @speda
thank you for sharing

great post @speda

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