Watch "Hillary UK Tour - It's Nigel Farage's Fault!, 1839" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago

An update from the Cultural revolution

Our Great Leach sorry Leader Hillary Clinton on her world blaming tour explaining who was responsible in the UK for her loss.

We all agree Nigel Farage who is a well known white supremacists, deplorable and racist must accept significant responsiblity for her failure. The BBC too is complicit for failing to associate this despicable sexist white man with Nazis and the KKK.

After folowing her tour closely even I cannot believe how many people and groups worked against her, they include,

The russian intelligence for hacking the election.
The Sexual Predator and Reality TV sensation Donald Trump
Vladimir Putin
Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party for not giving her 101% support.
Nigel Furage,
Wikileaks and Jullian Assange
James Comey,
The deplorables, white men,
Uninformed white women
The Alt right media, eg Alex Jones
The rigged election process called the Electoral College,
The Macedonian hackers.
The hacker Gusiffer who broke into the democratic party computer system.
The Podesta emails
Facebook for accepting 100k of Russian Money for politiical adds which swung the election
Bill Clinton for giving her advice which she ignored anyway.
Huma Abberdin sex texter husband Anthony Weiner who was caught with her illegal emails
The FBI for not covering up her illegal email server in the first place
Loretta Lynch for getting caught meeting with Bill just before the Justice Department drop the email case.

And I am sure there will be more, which is why we agree with our Red Guards in the Press that she will make an excellent presidential candidate in 2020. The have all promised to work harder for her next time.

Victimculture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative

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