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in #political7 years ago

What the Evil Russians did to stop our cultural revolution

Our fantastic guards at CCN and ABC have finally confirmed the Russians main cyber weapon that was used to rob our Corrupt Leader, sorry Great Leach Hillary Clinton from the Presidency.

Pokémon go.

Our Reporters have confirmed that this malicious cyber game invented by evil Russian Agents in Japan was hacked by Russian intelligent operatives and kept our young red guards and people of colour distracted instead of voting for Hillary.

Thanks to this new information, Hillary Clinton who won the popular vote with the help of our rigged polls and massive support from our red guards in the press can now make another run for the Presidency and save the women of the world from deplorable white men and install our cultural marxist socialist calaphate.

Our dreams of equality of outcomes, identity politics, gender diversity, living wage for everyone, no borders, sharia law for our victimised muslims, political correctness, mass immigration, third wave feminism and of course reparations and accountability for the oppressors, racist white men is soo close.

There is absolutely no excuse for the intergenerational crimes of racism, mishogony, sexism, the patriarchy, colonialism and genocide and this stain must be eviscerated from the planet.

Hillary is soo amazing the way she has handled herself in the last 12 months after this deverstating loss and this stamps her as a women that deserves the Presidency. Clearly as she points out, she won the popular vote in the Democratic Plantation Cities, and it was sexism, misogyny and the lack of understanding of the benefits of cultural marxism by white women that was the reasons she lost.

Even after our NGOs such as the Halal Certification Board, the femanist march organised by Linda Sasour and the Muslim Brotherhood worked tirelessly to convince white women of the benefits of inter religious marriages with muslim men and the improvements to their lives of lots of muslim babies. To help we even bought in 100000s of young male, unattached refugees to marry white women.

We cannot thank enough the hard work of our honest and tireless red guards in the press for discovering the evidence of Russian Hacking that caused her to loose to the racist and supremacist white man.

George is now talking to Leader Pelosi, Crying Schumer, Pay Me Ryan, Show me the money McConnell and our real President, Obama as to when we can impeach Donald Trump and have another election.

Victimculture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative

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