Watch "Black people to BBC -- 'We are not a part of England'" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago

Joy from the cultural revolution.

Dear Comrade People of African American heritage,

This white american male supremacist, racist and nazi has just realised that George's open society network is a world white organisation focused on inclusiveness, equality, diversity and the removal of whiteness from all western societies.

Whilst slavery never existed in the UK we have made significant advances using the tools of victim culture and identity politics to inform people of colour and muslims that they can never integrate into the open and inclusive racist white british society that has welcomed them.

As a result they are now seeking to create their own state, laws and sharia courts in the UK funded from reparations from white people for the intergenerational crimes of racism, colonialism, sexism and genocide.

Just like in the US we have convinced a significant number of whites to FEEL guilty for the oppression they have caused and happy to virtue signal EMPATHY for people of colour by getting others and the government to pay compensation.

This is due to our amazing work of our british red guards in the BBC, the press, teachers, gender study professors, and our politicians .

Be reassured our African American comrades that it is George's goal to bring the "great society", its advance technologies and medicines, its welfare state, religious freedoms, equality, the living wage, care for the environment and its quality of life that has existed throughout Africa for 1000s years to the West by removing the oppressive system of whiteness.

We have so much to look forward to.

Victimculture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative


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