Watch "Black Lives Matter leader makes complete fool of herself" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago

The Narrative of the Cultural Revolution from Russian TV.

What an amazing dialog from our BLM victim, she nails all the key cultural marxist talking points.

We are so proud of her she is one of the great thinkers of our time. She knows that with the extermination of whiteness finally she and all the victimised people of white supremacy and capitalism will finally achieve all the benefits of our socialist/communist society/calaphate.

The living wage, equality of outcomes for people of colour, to each what they need, a goverment with technocrats that will provide cradle to grave benefits, end of oppression of people of colour and diversity, gender diversity, no borders and a safe space for refugees, sharia law and the jizya for victimised muslims, a job for everyone if they want a job, affirmative action and job quotas, eg if a victimised person wants to be a brain surgeon they can. Etc etc.

A perfect totalitarian feudalistic socialist society, just like all of our great societies, North Korea, USSR, Maos China, Venezuela, El Bagdadi's Calaphate, Communist Eastern Europe, Zimbabwe, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Hitlers Germany, etc ruled by our caring and empathatic Religious Leaders, Technocrats and Royalty who understand the needs of the people.

Finally the stench of whiteness, democracy, free markets, free speech and capitalism, which created the greatest middle class in history and eliminated more poverty than any economic system will be removed from the planet.

And she just cannot wait for the ReEducation centres, Gulags and Concentration Camps for all the wrong thinkers and racist white nazis to pay for their intergeneration crimes of whiteness which will be run as we do always by our psychopath and sociopath technocrats.

Victimhood forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative


She did everything except say, "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. I know I've never done anything to earn anything, but gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie."

Thanks for sharing!

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