Watch "Ben Shapiro just UNCOVERED Hillary Clinton's SHOCKING SECRET" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago

Our Cultural Revolution progresses

I cannot wait for our the inauguration of President Hillary Clinton.

Finally we can prove that Vladimir Putin currupted our election process with the help of Facebook and the Russian that lead to the white racist winning the Presidency.

The plan they used was genius, the Russians only spent $100k and with a clever algorithm they did what Hillary could do with $3b let Trump win. AMAZING.

It was horrific to learn that Trump was given this algorithm from Vladimir in exchange for a critical 25% of the US uranium resources thanks to Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Everyone was a winner, Trump won the Presidency, they let Vladimir stay in power and Bill and Hillary and their friends made $bs

Victim culture forever
Gundawindi Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative


Ben Shapiro nails it. The Democrats along with the fake news media are manufacturing stories in order to cover up the damning truth.

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